I Have A Voice | The Odyssey Online
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I Have A Voice

I am a woman on a mission for those that may have been forgotten.

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I have never been a lazy person. As a young child, my mother taught me how to clean house, do my laundry, and so many more practical tasks. I know how to cook well (except that one time I burnt the lasagna at my office) and set a proper table setting, but I am so much more than all of that combined.

I have held a job every day since I was 15 years old and started out as a young lifeguard and swim instructor. I would work evenings after school and most weekends. This was not common for people at my young age back then and still is not today.

I have taken on adventurous jobs that have pushed me physically and those that require me to be at a desk and indoors most days. I have a goal though.

I want to serve people to my best abilities. When I first graduated high school, I took a job that required me to clean toilets, and even that was something I enjoyed because I knew someone needed even the toughest jobs done to serve the public.

I now have a job that is much different than that, but I value it so much more because I started with jobs that required me to do what some consider to do the dirty work.

My lifelong goal is to be an advocate for the incarcerated and children that have been affected by the foster care system. This seems like two very different groups of people, but they have the same challenge, which is that they have a lack of people to advocate for them and speak on their behalf.

It is my goal to serve them in any way possible. If I have to clean bathrooms or sit at a desk to help serve them, then so be it, because I will. I am so fed up with people not recognizing that there is a major problem in our society with forgetting those that have had their voice taken away from them.

I do not care if someone has to be incarcerated for a crime that they committed, but they can not be forgotten, because at the end of the day they are humans too. Children affected by the foster care system get shifted in and among the webs of the system on a constant basis, which sometimes leads to them being forgotten too, which is shameful on society's part. WE MUST STAND UP FOR THOSE THAT MAY HAVE BEEN FORGOTTEN.

I refuse to be lazy because I was not raised to be that way. My mother raised me to take care of my belongings and those that I value, and I vow to do that until the day that the Lord calls me home.

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