I've had severe acne sine the 5th grade. Not the, "Oh man, I have a zit" kind either. The kind that there isn't a clear spot on your face and it's all risen by volcanoes — the kind that you take multiple medications and treatments for just for nothing to ever work — that's the kind of acne I battled. Acne is a medical condition. It's not from not washing your face or eating junk food. All of us have our own personal challenges, some of just have to show it on our face. My acne was so severe that I began wearing a full face of makeup by 6th grade.
Like myself, Youtuber Em Ford covered her acne with makeup. We both ended up finding a passion for makeup artistry and turned what we once hid behind into something we love to show off.
I'm sharing my story because there is a huge double standard involving myself and others who fight the same battle. If you don't cover your acne, you're disgusting. If you wear a full face of makeup to cover it up, you're fake.
Em Ford brought all this negativity to the table. She made a video titled "You Look Disgusting" where she shows all of the hurtful comments people leave on her makeup tutorials online. She shows that when she has no makeup on, people tell her how she needs to cover her acne up because it's too "disgusting" to look at. But, then she shows that even when she has a full face of makeup on, people comment things such as, "This is false advertising" and, "You're still ugly." The video now has over 23 million views.
When I first saw this video, I was heartbroken. I know how it feels to go through what she does, her battle is just open for everyone to see and comment upon online. With all the hate in the world at the moment, we really don't need to add more by judging people for silly things like makeup. If you want to wear makeup, wear it. If you don't want to wear it, don't. If you don't like makeup or don't understand the daily struggle of battling severe acne, please don't bully others who do.
My acne just began to heal in college, but the scars will always remain. They're a part of who I am, and I'm proud of that. Please support others in their personal battles, don't add anymore hate to the world than there already is. Go check out Em's video, and leave some positive support!
Above all, please remember that makeup doesn't change the person wearing it. You can remove makeup at the end of the day, but you can never remove the hateful, ignorant things you say to others.