Finals. The dreaded week every semester for a college student. It is hard and stressful, but here are some tips to get you through the week.
1. Get rid of all distractions. Trust me, I know how hard it is to not be distracted. You need to remove and turn off all things that may distract you. That may even mean turning off your phone. Yes, turning off your phone can be hard, but what starts as receiving a text from a friend can turn into scrolling through Vine and Instagram for an hour. If it seems like you just cannot get away from distractions in your room, leave and go to a place you know is quiet and distraction-free, like the library or somewhere outside.
2. Sleep is key. You need to study hard and know your material, but try to stray away from all-nighters. Studies show that people who get only a few hours of sleep before an exam do more poorly than the ones who get a full night's sleep. Make sure that you are studying days before the exam so that you are able to get good sleep the night before the exam. You also won't look like death the morning of the exam.
3. Eat brain food! Hungry and in need of a study break? Foods like blueberries and nuts can help improve focus and expand your attention span!
4. Don't overstudy. There is such a thing as overstudying. If you cram and study too much, you will stress your brain out and actually lose information that you think you have been learning.
5. Manage your time. Don't waste time! It is easy to waste time just staring at the wall. Make yourself a study schedule with breaks. You will love yourself for it.