For those of us who are insomniacs, it can be such a struggle to get a decent night of sleep after we finally manage to fall asleep. Not all of us want to use sleep aid medication because of the awful grogginess it brings in the morning. Here are 10 natural ways to attempt to fix your sleep schedule!
Workout at night
There is a lot to be said for "tiring yourself out" because it works! Plus if you work out you will feel better anyway.
Try reading
To a lot of people think reading is boring. That is exactly the point. Pick up a book that you know is going to bore you a little bit. It works like a charm.
Try to calm yourself into a sleeping state. There are a lot of good apps that lead you through sleep induced meditation. If you don't want to commit to an app try Youtube!
If you really need to sleep and need a quick fix this will work. However, don't overuse it because your body will start to build up a tolerance to it. So, only if you really need it!
Stay away from screens
That blue light will get you! it keeps you up and makes it harder for you to get a good nights sleep. So, Start turning your devices off way before you go to bed.
Try not to study or do work in bed.
Make your bed space only for sleeping, that way your body doesn't associate your sleeping space with stress.
Get to bed earlier
If you get I bed earlier it will give you more time to get into your sleeping zone. Time is sometimes the best cure.
Get your sleep cycle in order
Try to only sleep when it is your bed time. If you Take naps then your body and brain won't be sleepy when you need to sleep!
Avoid big meals
Food gives your body energy so don't eat right before you go to bed! I know snacking in bed and watching some Netflix is the best, but try to avoid it.
If you can have your next day organized then you will be less stressed and therefore sleep better!
I am far from a sleep expert but I do suffer from insomnia. These things help me get some sleep. So try them out, and if they work, stick with it!