How To Get A Body Like Captain Marvel
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Health and Wellness

5 Ways You Can Transform Your Body To Show Off Your Inner Captain Marvel Just Like Brie Larson

Your going to have to put down that ice-cream and pick up some carrot sticks.

5 Ways You Can Transform Your Body To Show Off Your Inner Captain Marvel Just Like Brie Larson

Brie Larson trained for nine months with celebrity trainer Jason Walsh for her lead role in Captain Marvel. Since she knew she would be doing her own stunts, she wanted to be strong enough mentally and physically to give it her all in the role. She worked out five days a week and up to four and a half hours a day at most, to get into shape for the movie and it clearly shows. She went from not being able to do a pull-up to hip-thrusting 275 pounds and box jumping higher than her waist.

"I sobbed in the gym many times," she said.

Wash recently launched a 2-week training app based on the Captain Marvel workouts. It's filled with strength training, resistance bands, stability balls, and barbells. The app has a series of six 45-minute routines which can easily be accessed on the tablet or iPhone.

Despite the challenges of getting fit and going through rigorous exercises, Larson loved how it made her feel afterward. She told Hollywood Reporter that, "Although the primary focus might be about looking good, it's the feeling of confidence you get when you know the body can do what the mind wants it to that makes you feel like a superhero. The aesthetics are almost secondary…I started to fall in love with training and the way my body was changing and transforming. It was the first time I felt like I was making my body work for me."

If that isn't inspiration to get off the couch and go find a trainer, then I don't know what is. However, if you can't get yourself a personal trainer, here are some tips of achieving the Captain Marvel confidence that we have always dreamed of.

1.  The hardest part about working out is getting started.

Brie said that she would sometimes sob in the gym because of her vigorous workouts. While we definitely don't want that to happen to us, we do want to push ourselves in a way that is mentally and physically exhausting. It's crazy to see what our body is able to do and what we can transform it over time.

While it can be awkward and uncomfortable when you first get into the gym, once you get in a routine and start to learn how to navigate the gym world, you will enjoy going. The first step is getting off the couch and getting yourself there. If you don't know how to use a certain machine, ask a worker. I promise you that they won't laugh if anything they will go above and beyond and show you how to do a workout that will kick your butt.

2. High rep, low-weight.

According to a workout Brie Larson posted on her Instagram, one of the best ways to shed fat and get good muscle definition is high repetitions of low weight. This basically means get a low-enough weight that you can do about 10-15 repetitions before stopping. A great workout for this is a resistance band pull-apart move. This helps build back muscle and defines your body. It also improves posture, which, let's be honest, we all need help with.

3. Sacrifice culinary-wise.

If you want a healthy body, sadly, you will have to put down the Oreos and shop on the outside aisles of produce. This is easier said than done, and won't come without its trials, but as long as you try, you will get in the habit of eating healthy. Once you get the processed sugars detoxed from your body, the healthier food will taste better and you will crave it more.

Some other daily sacrifices include: no alcohol, don't eat anything after 7 pm, eat more fruits and veggies, and go to sleep before midnight.

*of course, have the occasional celebratory donut when you hit a huge milestone*

4. Try different types of workouts.

Not only can doing the same few vigorous exercises be boring and annoying, but it will also make you less motivated to go to the gym. Mix it up a little and take some classes. Larson tried boxing as another way to shred fat and boost her cardio. She also had different dance routines that were all demanding in their own way. It helped test her balance and movements that you normally can't work on the treadmill or with weights. Make it fun and exciting to get up and go to the gym.

5. It takes time.

Brie Larson didn't get fit overnight. She had the determination and patience to work hard every day to become the Captain Marvel that we see on the big screen. She built her body up day-by-day and showed up, no matter how she was feeling.

Don't expect to work out once and immediately get abs. As much as I wish that's how it works, it doesn't. So get up, get out of bed, and go to the gym. Even if you want to cry, quit, and sleep. Every day is a step towards being Captain Marvel and feeling physically and mentally well.

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