Starting something with someone that you fall for and never want to let go. Many students come into college trying to maintain their high school or summer romances. Some may not last, but others seem to go on forever.
There are many ways to maintain your long-distance relationship and they make it all worth the while when you see that person again.
1. Nothing but phone calls.
Almost every single night, phone call after phone call. Just hearing the person’s voice makes you warm inside.
2. Small care packages.
When he puts together all of your favorite things and leaves you cute notes in the package.
3. Skype Dates
Sitting down and “having” dinner with them for a night.
4. Visits
Going home, or them coming to you and seeing their smiling face again.
5. The Future
Thinking about how your life will be when it is all said and done and you two can be together as long as you want.
It is hard at times being in a long distance relationship and it isn’t for everyone. Each time you think about that person and you just long for them to come to you. Soon everything that you have gone through, it will all be worth it.