Now to move on to rapping, as most of you may recall from my last article, I became interested in rapping back in high school from watching rap battles. I also began listening to a lot of rap music a little before then as well. The one thing that rapping and tennis both have in common, is that same theme of determination. There are going to be times where people might judge you and your rapping. This is from personal experience. You have to know how to stay strong and not let anything that anyone says bother you. Show them who is boss, tell them it's their loss, and it is not a toss that I'm the rap king and it's just the thing! That is what I used as my strategy to combat these people. Freestyle rapping. I would just come up with random things that came to mind and put them into a rap. Looking down at my phone, in the zone, looking up at the sky, so high, I see a drone. Those are facts, I can make quality raps, don't mess with the rap king or else you'll have to confess! For me, rapping is a lot like writing. I rap and write about anything that comes to mind. But anyways, here are some tips for becoming an amazing rapper.
1) Write as much as you can in a notebook, this will help you create raps. I have a book, it is called "The Book of Raps".
2) Make a name for yourself, this will be what your fans know you as. For me, I'm known as "Rap Boy" or "The Rap King".
3) Get in on the action in rap battles, its a great time!
4) Start rapping to your friends or anyone who catches your eye. That is how you will get popular. People will start focusing their attention on you.
5) Start out with some freestyle, just like I did above. It is an icebreaker in the rap game. What I freestyle is what I think about or look at. Here is another example, I got a pen on my desk, I know a guy named Glen, he has a friend named Len. Typing on this mac, right next to my backpack.
6) See if there are opportunities for you to show off your rapping skills. School activities, rap battles and etc. Trust me, there is something out there for all!
7) And just like with tennis, stay determined and enjoy it! Have fun, and most importantly, the theme from Senior Follies, "STRENGTH AND HONOR"!!!! Always have strength and honor!!
So to conclue this article, whether you are in to rapping or tennis or maybe even both. I really hope you were able to learn a lot from this article. This is only a brief lesson. In today's day and age, we are lucky to be able to expand on what we have learned from someone. If you are really interested in learning more, thankfully, we have the internet and also your local library! Also, the best advice I can give to you, is watch as many videos as you can on YouTube from tennis pros and rappers. That has worked tremendously for me and it will for you as well! Thanks for reading and until next time!