11 Things That Show You How Petty You Truly Are
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11 Times You Were Petty AF, But It Felt So Good

It may be immature, but it just feels so right.

mean girls cafeteria scene

Listen, I know it is not OK to be petty. It is truly not the best quality to have.

However, as young adults in college, it is a characteristic we see far too often. In the moment, it is not good. Looking back, it is so funny.

Here are all the times that you may have experienced being petty (and why it was totally worth it).

1. That time you subtweeted...

Oh, the dreaded subtweet. You are on Twitter, and you know damn well that person you are upset with is also on Twitter. So, you make a passive aggressive tweet — maybe something along the lines of "Love when people don't text back," with that neat little upside down smiley face emoji.

Been there, done that. Then you get the text about 10 minutes later asking, "Was this about me?" And you have the sweet satisfaction of playing it off like nothing ever happened. Classic.

2. That time you screenshotted an argument... just to use it in another argument

So, you and your boo are fighting. Life is rough, man, but you know what always saves the day? Screenshots.

Yeah, you think you are in the clear and making a valid argument — until those dreaded screenshots pop up. They claim they didn't say or do something? Wrong, because at 9:32 PM on Saturday the 8th, they told you otherwise!

3. That time you didn't text someone back right away because they took a while to respond

OK, I am so guilty of this one.

So, you are texting someone, a friend or someone you are interested in, right? You're having a great conversation, and then, all of a sudden, boom. They hit you with no response. They left you on read. You're heartbroken.

So, you wait and wait and wait. Suddenly, you get a response.

Any normal person will respond once they see the notification. But you? No.

You wait the same amount of time they took to reply to you, whether it was five minutes or five hours. Petty doesn't care about time.

4. That time you didn't say "happy birthday" to someone because they didn't say "happy birthday" to you

Saying "happy birthday" to someone is just the right and polite thing to do, especially if you remember the person's birthday right away.

Of course, there are times when you forget. I have forgotten plenty of birthdays, so it should be no surprise if someone forgets mine. Right? Wrong.

Kings and queens of petty, rejoice! When it comes to birthday affairs, if you forget mine, I suddenly forget yours. Who's 21st birthday is it, now?

5. That time that you ate from the fast food bag and gave your friend the box of fries you've been eating out of

This one is so silly, yet so universal.

You may not even be a petty person. But if you are hungry enough, you know that right when you leave that drive-thru, it's all over. You begin feasting like it is your last meal.

You become reckless and hold no regard for who is about to get those fries at the end of this ride — because it certainly is not going to be you.

6. That time you held a grudge for far too long

I mean, how am I supposed to get over the fact that someone said I was ugly in the seventh grade?

They are fake, and I am rolling my eyes at them.

7. That time you used the phrase "I'm fine" or "I just think it's funny how..."

This is a classic. Even if you think you don't do it, chances are, you totally do.

There have been countless times that you are just sitting there, mad about whatever it may be, and someone asks you how you are. The tone of your "I'm fine" has enough attitude in it to cause a scene. It's a tone that could start a war.

Then, minutes later, right when you think everything is truly fine, you hit them with the "I just think it's funny how..."

And after that, there is no looking back, you petty kings and queens.

8. That time you put your read receipts on, just so that certain someone knew you didn't reply

Personally, I never keep my read receipts on.

But the latest feature of iMessaging has proven to be quite the jackpot in the land of petty, especially now that you can choose whether you want read receipts on or off for every conversation.

You can let certain people see if you read their messages, while certain people cannot see. And you can change it anytime. So, one night you are arguing over text? Leave their texts on read if you are pretty enough. It'll get a rise out of them.

9. That time you posted a photo just so someone would get jealous or angry about it

Guilty as charged.

You want someone to miss you? Post a selfie.

Want someone you're interested in to be jealous? Post a hot selfie.

Want a frenemy to be jealous? Post a hot selfie and have all your friends comment on it.

Comedy gold.

10. That time you started drama just because you were bored

Let's face it. You're a messy person who lives for drama. Girl, same.

Sometimes, you know drama deserves to be started. All you do is say one thing, sit back and watch the show unfold around you.

11. That time you literally never gave an apology

Finally, you are done being petty. But are you really done?

No, because the gag is, you never even apologized for what you did.

Are you going to do it all again tomorrow? Of course.

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