In the December of my senior year, my dad took me on a cold, wet night to see Hamilton, the hip-hop interpretation of Alexander Hamilton’s life. I was intrigued by the idea of actors portraying “modern day” founding fathers. My eyes widened within the first 10 minutes, and I was instantly obsessed. My obsession took another dimension after hearing Lin Manuel Miranda’s original song (sung by Hamilton) called “My Shot.”
In this song performed by Miranda, the words repeated, “I am NOT throwing away my shot!” Not only was this song catchy, it made me think about what my “shot” really was. Hamilton (Manuel) spoke of being “young, scrappy, and hungry” while discussing his shot; the youth showcased is what really inspired me. As an 18-year-old, it is hard to see past the moment, and what will happen in the future. It is hard to imagine what “my shot” really is or will be. Has it already happened? Have I already given away my shot? Or is it yet to happen?
At this point in my life the only thing I can think of that would qualify as “my shot” would be getting into the college of my choice, and succeeding there. University of Michigan, class of 2020. The words I wish to one day be able to doodle in my notebook or write on my Facebook page. My shot, per say. I would think this is my shot because when hearing “young, scrappy and hungry” the only thing that would encompass these things, is my journey throughout high school ultimately, hopefully, ending in Ann Arbor. While I am optimistic, I am not naive. I do not want to throw away my shot, but what if my shot rejects me? Is this even my shot, or are my dreams blinding me from what is really my destiny.
Now, almost a year later, “my shot” came true. Here I am at the University of Michigan. So, what now? I have come to realize that the journey to find purpose doesn’t end when your dreams come true, its only just the beginning. At college, you are forced every day, whether you know it or not, to figure out what your place in the world will be. I don’t think I will ever know what my true purpose is in life, but I hope that every day will lead me closer to it, by trying new things, and giving everything my all. Although I don’t know where life is taking me, I know that I am not throwing away my shot.