Enjoying The Good Moments With Your Beloved One
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Enjoying The Good Moments With Your Beloved One

It's OK to cry.

Enjoying The Good Moments With Your Beloved One
We Know Your Dreams

Every day before I go to class or start my day I looked at the picture of my grandma. She is my strength and motivation to keep moving me forward. She has taught me life lessons that I never forget and have cherished memories that will live on forever.

I try to go as much as possible to travel to Ecuador to see my family, but at times it is difficult with my job and college.

My grandma lives in Quito, Ecuador with the rest of my family. She is currently 77 years old and last year around March my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer. My mother flew to Ecuador last year to see how she was doing and to come take of her. Everything since March 2016, my mom has constantly flown back and forth to Ecuador to see my grandma. My grandma is still staying strong and alive by attending chemo-therapy sessions. However, it has been hard on all of us as a family, with the stress weighing on our backs.

I would like to tell you what I felt when mom told me," she has breast cancer, and has a certain amount of time left to live." When I first heard my grandmother was ill I was depressed because my number one fan who I have grown to establish a close relationship with, is going to leave the world soon.

For the audience out there who is going through similar situations as I am, I can sympathize how you feel. Although I do not see my grandma often since she is in another country, I can hear on the phone the coughing and wheezing that comes out of her breath. When you see your beloved one going through their down moments in health, is when it hits the most.

You can feel the pain they are going through andfeel depressed because everything is out of your hands now, there is nothing you can do. It's in Gods's hands now. You almost feel guilty for not getting the chance to get know them better and establish a better relationship. However do not beat yourself up, you are DOING ALL THAT YOU CAN, it just takes time to realize it.

Time is essence, especially in this moment of time during situations like this. Speaking of time whenever you are with them and they begin to smile or laugh is when they have their good days, and you begin to reflect on the good old times. It could be a birthday memory, cheering you up when you were down, or comforting you when your sick. You realize those little moments measure up to A BIG QUANTITY.

You remember all the moments they helped you when you were down, now it's your turn. The roles have changed and now you have to be the bigger person. Being the bigger person is the not the easiest task, but it teaches you a lot about responsibility. You listen to their stories and most personal thoughts they have in mind, it is as if they are telling their own life story for the final time.

Pay attention to what they have to say because EVERY STORY OR THING THEY TELL YOU IS FOR A REASON. Your sick beloved one knows that you are suffering deep down inside, for they are not blind. They know what is going on and know the little time they have left.

That is the reason why they are smiling or laughing through their pain because they are teaching you important values before they are gone. After all knowledge is power, and they just want you to be successful in life. They are trying to teach you that one must not be afraid of death, that life is a continuous journey. The show must go on.

Even after hearing all of their amazing advice, you can't help but shed tears. You are deeply appreciated for the all the advice you have received, but you are scared when that day comes. The day when you no longer hear their voice or see them anymore. It is a constant fear that you have lurking in the back of your mind and may have no self-control. However do not let that one thought get to you, but rather ENJOY THE MOMENTS NOW.

I would recommend taking various pictures or writing about their stories in a journal, so you can look back at them one day. You will appreciate moments like these later on in life. Although the struggle may be difficult now, just hang on tight. We all go through experiences like these someday, they just appear at different moments in a person's life. IT'S OKAY TO SHED TEARS FOR WE ARE HUMAN, but don't give up on life because it's an everlasting ride. People come and go out of your life but experiences like these teach you there is a lot more to life.

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