1. Derrick Rose (Minnesota Timberwolves) | The Odyssey Online
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6 Athletes Ranked By Their Hotness Not The Size Of Their Paychecks

Fair warning: You're about to enter the ultimate swooning zone.

6 Athletes Ranked By Their Hotness Not The Size Of Their Paychecks

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We all have our favorite players that we cherish and would die for. We wear their jerseys and fan-girl over their over-the-top plays. But sometimes the star players with the biggest paychecks get all the attention while the other players who may be just as good only get a little love. Well, sit back ladies and gents, I'm about to take you on a trip through all the hot athletes that you're missing out on.

1. Derrick Rose (Minnesota Timberwolves)



I will be the first to say Derrick Rose has had a few hairstyles from time to time that were just not the cutest, but his body and face make up for it big time!

2. Cam Newton (Carolina Panthers)



I think we can all agree that not only is Cam Newton hot af, he's also got those cute vibes going for him, and I'm not mad at it. (Honestly, though, he's the type of guy you'd pretend to get lost in front of just so he would have to spend a few extra minutes talking to you to give you directions.)

3. J.D. Martinez (Boston Red Socks)

Now, I'm not a big baseball fan myself but J.D. Martinez really makes me reconsider my choices in life. He's just got one of those smiles that will melt your heart.

4. Odell Beckham Jr (New York Giants)


This super hot Giants player has made some big headlines recently, making him more and more of a household name. And while some people may say this has made him more cocky than usually, he's still as hot as ever! And his video with Peyton Manning during last years Super Bowl was just adorable! (Do yourself a favor and google him shirtless!)

5. Feliciano López (Spain - Men's Tennis)


At 37-years-old, he might not be in the age range of your normally hot athletes, but this man sure is giving you a run for your money. His body is not quitting, and neither is my love for it. *swoons for days*

6. Kevin Love (Cleveland Cavaliers)


Last, but certainly not least, my fine friend Mr. Kevin Love. (Granted not the greatest photo ever taken of him, but you get the point.) *Insert cliché joke about his last name and my love for him, as well as extra swooning just for good measure!*

Let it be known that having to leave Steph Curry out of this list was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, and if we had a Hottest Wives list you already know his wife Aleysha would be number one right next to him but my boy makes too much money (never thought that'd be an issue, did you?).

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