As an avid Harry Potter fan, it is a natural practice for me to sort people into houses. Whether it be people I know, strangers on the street, or movie stars, everyone is subject to the sorting hat. And Netflix's Dumplin' was not exempt. As I watched the movie, I couldn't help but analyze the interactions of all the characters (I'm a Ravenclaw—what did you expect?). For those of you who don't know, Dumplin' is a Netflix movie about a plus size teenager who enters a beauty pageant to prove to the world (and to her mother) the importance of loving yourself for who you are. Here are the results:
1) Willowdean Dixon--Gryffindor
Willowdean had the courage and nerve to defy her mother and her town to prove that self acceptance is a more important quality then looks.
2) Ellen--Gryffindor
Ellen, Willowdean's best friend, was a difficult one to sort. She exhibits traits of a Hufflepuff (acceptance of others, kindness) but she also exhibits the Gryffindor trait of loyalty. In the end, I sorted her into Gryffindor because it was Ellen's loyalty that consistently helped Willowdean through her journey of self acceptance.
3) Bo--Hufflepuff
One of Bo's primary traits was his acceptance of others. He treated everyone the same—rich or poor, ugly or pretty. And for that, Bo is not only a Hufflepuff but also boyfriend goals.
4) Rosie--Slytherin
First, let me say that I did not sort Rosie into Slytherin because she was mean to Willowdean. I am well aware of the "All Slytherins are mean" stereotype. The reason why I sorted Rosie into Slytherin was because of her ambition (a trait all Slytherins share). When she was a young teenager, Rosie had her heart set on winning The Miss Teen Blue Bonnet Pageant. But she did more than just wish for it. Rosie worked hard to win that title because she had the ambition to do so.
5) Hannah--Ravenclaw
I sorted Hannah into Ravenclaw because she uses her knowledge to guide her decisions. Hannah constantly makes references to the patriarchal roots of our society and how it has put women in a disadvantageous position. It is this knowledge that drives a majority of her decisions throughout the film.
6) Millie--Hufflepuff
With all of her cheer and optimism, how could you not sort Millie into Hufflepuff?
7) Lucy--Hufflepuff
Lucy, Willowdean's aunt, is literally Hufflepuff goals. She loves her niece and tries to help Willowdean love life and herself.
8) Lee--Gryffindor
Lee, the African American drag queen, was also difficult to sort. On one hand, he displays the Hufflepuff characteristic of accepting others for who they are. However, I sorted him into Gryffindor because he was not afraid to be himself. He wore drag despite any criticism he might encounter. Lee also proved his loyalty to Lucy when he helped Willowdean along her journey of self acceptance.
9) Callie--Slytherin
Callie, Ellen's friend, was sorted into Slytherin due to her ambition. Like Rosie, Callie is intent on winning The Miss Teen Blue Bonnet Pageant and was willing to do nearly anything to get the title.
While there aren't that many characters in Dumplin', each one plays an important role in Willowdean's journey. If you haven't watched Dumplin' yet, I'd encourage you to do so. It's a great feel good movie about friendship and self acceptance.