I can honestly say that I have only been at college for about a week and I have never had this much work in my life. It's amazing that I even have time to write this article. I know that high school teachers truly try their best and put a lot of effort into their job, but I don't think anything or anyone can really prepare you for college.
In just one week of college, I have done more work than I have done my entire senior year. Senior year of high school is basically preschool and then you get to college and it is like the whole world just fell onto your shoulders. Stress, stress, and more stress is added onto your life. You aren't in a room of just 20-25 kids anymore. You have huge classes with about 300 people and the professor will honestly never really know who you are unless you take time out of your already super busy day to introduce yourself. College isn't all about partying and socializing. School comes first and that is extremely different than how high school was (or at least my high school experience).
I'm not even just talking about the school work. The social life of a college student is very confusing. You will go to a party and maybe only know your roommates. You have to branch out and literally be a friendly little social butterfly and say hi to everyone. I always end up forgetting peoples names and asking them a million times what their name is, but it really is the only way to get to know people.
Having time to eat in college is super different than high school. You are really on your own and have to somehow make time in between classes to run to the dining hall and hope that you have a friend who is willing to go eat with you. In high school you had a certain lunch period and automatically knew that is when you would eat. It's completely different here. I barely have time to breathe, let alone eat a solid meal. God bless ramen noodles, am I right?
College is really such a cool experience. You can be whoever you want and leave your high school self behind. Everyone knows every little detail about your life in high school, which is sometimes terrifying. College is the chance to start off new and reinvent yourself, and thank God for that.