Hear the Blazing Youtube Carols! | The Odyssey Online
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Hear the Blazing Youtube Carols!

Great Youtube channels to watch while wrapping gifts

Hear the Blazing Youtube Carols!
Erik Homberger

It is finally that time of year again! That time where you see your family's smiling faces, experience your pet's cuddles, listen to the beautiful and cheerful music and give the gift of love either through material presents or acts of affection. Not only that, but finals are over!

However, there is the seemingly never ending task of wrapping all of those special gifts you are going to give to your friends and loved ones. Whether you love to use Holiday bags with pounds of tissue paper, gift wrap with intricate designs (or the Hello Kitty paper I gave to my brother last year), or if you are one of those demon spawns who take pleasure in wrapping a gift card in layers upon layers of boxes (just kidding that is hilarious!), wrapping gifts can be tedious and time consuming.

But lo and behold, there is a way to pass the time and make it enjoyable and informative. There is a certain website that contains thousands of videos from thousands of creative minds and you can get pretty much any piece of information you want from it (although it does not mean you get to skip class or avoid reading the books!). What was the site called again?...The name is right there...Facetube?...No...Youbook?...No...It will pop into my head eventually, but in the meantime here are some great Youtube (hey, there it is!) channels to watch while wrapping gifts.

Saturday Night Live (SNL)

I only recently got into watching SNL and I must say I am glad I did. These masterful skits are especially funny if you are one who likes satirical humor. The video I added is not very satirical, but it is one of my favorites. I also recommend checking out the High School Theater show videos.

The reason these comedic sketches are good to watch while wrapping gifts is because they are brief and some of them mindless where you can understand the humor without really having to think about it. Yet as I said, there are also a plethora of cultural references that you do need to form the connection to get it, which makes this show so much more hilarious.


If you are not familiar with this channel and you like movies, it is hit or miss. In each video, they nitpick the movie and point out what is wrong with it calling each mistake a "sin." They even made a video sinning themselves showing the audience that they do not believe they are above those who make these movies, but rather that they are just being sarcastic and funny.

Their first few videos are short capping at around five minutes. However, as the channel started to gain traction the videos became increasingly longer. They had to make two videos for "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace" with the total time being around 40 minutes. This is perfect for gift wrapping because you do not have to be very attentive and you can get multiple gifts wrapped before one video is over.

Just as a disclaimer, the narrator swears in the videos, but most of them are bleeped out.

Stefan Homberger

You must of known I was going to throw in an advertisement for my brother! But in all seriousness, I actually enjoy his channel very much. It is a nice blend of creativity, information and opinion. Additionally, it is all on subject matter I am either interested in learning about or one where I would like to know more on his opinion of it. His first videos were impressive for someone just starting and he has just improved as time went by.

Go watch his videos! You may even find me in one or two of them!

Because I have found these Twittube channels (YOUTUBE CHANNELS! SORRY!), I can honestly say I can enjoy wrapping gifts now. And that is not to say I did not enjoy it before! I love looking at these gifts I picked out especially for this person or that person and imagining how they would appreciate it. Remember, it is the act of giving that makes the holidays so special!

Happy Holidays, everyone!

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