7 Health Myths You Need To Ditch This Summer
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7 Health Myths You Need To Ditch This Summer

Would you believe me if I told you carbs aren't your enemy?

7 Health Myths You Need To Ditch This Summer

I've heard it all. From the fad diets to excessive cardio our generation has become obsessed with fitting into a certain image. As someone who is very passionate about fitness, I agree that health is something to treat with importance but in the right ways. It's time to stray away from the reputation that in order to be healthy you have to be skinny, toned, or even have a bikini body. Here are 7 of my personal favorite health myths to ditch in order to stay HEALTHY and feel good all summer long.

Myth #1: Carbs are your enemies.

This has never been farther from the truth. I used to dodge carbs left and right in hopes that it would make a certain part of my body shrink, but all I ended up with was less energy and more hunger. I'm sure you've stumbled upon the words "complex carbs," those guys are your real friends. According to registered dietitian Keri Gans, "We need carbohydrates, our bodies rely on glucose to function optimally -- especially our brain." Come on ladies, brain work!

TIP: Instead of depriving yourself of carbs altogether, try low carb! I like to start my day off with a higher carb meal such as rye toast with avocado & eggs or oatmeal. You can either choose to have a complex carb for lunch such as quinoa/brown rice and fill your dinner plate with veggies instead!

Myth #2: Weights will make you bulky.

Ah, my personal favorite. A big S/O to whoever started that rumor, you scared an entire population of women. Lifting weights will not only help you lose stubborn fat but will help you be toned all over! Don't be afraid to incorporate weights into your daily workouts. Personal trainer & Spokeswoman for the American Council on Excercise, Jacque Crockford shares "Lifting weights is a great way to get the shape of the body that you may be seeking." Further, she explains that only resorting to cardio won't help you achieve a tighter and toned body. Her advice? "Want a perkier bum? Do squats and deadlifts. Want more defined arms and back? Do some shoulder presses and pull-ups." There you have it, ladies!

TIP: If you're still hesitant about ditching the treadmill for a pair of dumbells, take a look into personal trainer Kayla Itsines workout plan. Her guides will help you achieve your fitness goals no matter where you're starting from. Also, take a peek at her Instagram for some serious inspiration!

Myth #3: Skipping meals will help you lose weight.

It may seem like a good idea at the time to skip lunch in order to save money and a few extra calories, but the second your stomach starts to grumble in pain you've pushed your body too far. Sure, you'll notice small weight loss at first, but research at Ohio State University has shown that skipping meals will lead to serious future weight gain. More importantly, the weight your losing is more likely coming from your muscle, not your fat.

TIP: Fuel your body with rich proteins and veggies! You'll feel full of energy and see healthy results faster.

Myth #4: Working out cancels out bad eating habits.

Of course, it's easy to assume that an extra 30 minutes on the Stairmaster will erase any sinful cheat meals you've indulged in, but diet is actually a huge part of your fitness journey. You've probably heard of the 80/20 rule: 80% diet, 20% gym. I'm here to personally confirm that abs are definitely made in the kitchen.

TIP: You don't have to hide from all of your favorite foods, moderation is key! If you can't give up your Friday night pizza parties, opt for a healthier recipe with real ingredients.

Myth #5: You have to spend hours at the gym to notice results.

HIIT training (High Intensity Interval Training) has become the new workout for women all across the board, no matter body type or size. This training kicks your metabolism into gear for faster weight loss in a shorter circuit time. The benefits of HIIT training are endless, but a big plus is that you'll continue to burn fat AFTER your workout is finished. Even better, you can do HIIT anywhere! No equipment is needed for this sweaty sesh.

TIP: Take pictures! Your progress may not be visible to the eye at first, but transformation pictures are key to keeping you motivated and noticing changes!

Myth #6: Sleep doesn't affect your weight loss.

Okay, okay, bear with me on this one. I know what you're thinking, we're young, we should be out all night, enjoying ourselves and I'm all for it. At some point, though, our bodies need good nights rest in order to perform our daily lives. Ph.D., Susan Zafarlotfi explained, "When you have sleep deprivation and are running on low energy, you automatically go for a bag of potato chips or other comfort foods." Aside from our physical bodies, we need to take care of our mental bodies as well. Staying up all night rather it's to study or catch up on homework is still affecting your health.

TIP: Busy schedules are inevitable in college but take time each day to give yourself time to rest, meditate, do yoga- anything that will alleviate the stress from you.

Myth #7: Counting calories will guarantee weight loss.

We've been taught to be afraid of calories for as long as I can remember. Counting every last calorie isn't only exhausting it can also be extremely unhealthy. Surprising right? Look at it this way- you can eat a tub of ice cream worth 1,000 calories of your daily intake OR you can eat 2 different meals with nutritious value for the same amount of calories. Moral of the story, just because you are counting calories doesn't mean those calories are good ones.

TIP:Eating REAL nutrient rich food is the way to go ladies. Don't starve yourself over how you want to look. Eating full meals and correct portion sizes will keep you full and help you lose the weight you're looking to get rid of.

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