Reading books instead of spending time online
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Student Life

Hang Up And Hang Out

Turn off your reality tv, close the Instagram app and open a good book.

Hang Up And Hang Out

Can you imagine living without constant entertainment available in your pocket? I know I definitely can't. The wild obsession with technology is understandable- it allows instant connection to anyone in the world, provides endless games, music, apps, and other ways to become lost in this fantasy world we call the internet. This over-infatuation with technology can be detrimental to a person's intellectual growth.

The art of reading and writing is something I feel has been underappreciated and overlooked by recent generations, myself included. It's absolutely mind-blowing to think that my parents were raised on cracking open a physical dictionary- just to find the meaning of a single word. Now, I find it an "inconvenience" to go to the library or open a physical book to learn something new. This ease of access to information which technology has brought us has made everyone so lazy to the point that I find it normal that my sister and I text each other while literally sitting only feet away.

Not only has technology made people become less personable with each other, but we've also strayed from good ol' fashioned reading and writing. Although I groan and complain when my professors assign books to read, I appreciate their emphasis on more traditional, classic methods of teaching. If I weren't an English major, I'd imagine that I probably would do much less reading in my free time and watch much more tv.

There are so many unnoticed benefits that come with reading and writing. Reading allows people to become informed and entertained, while still exercising their brain. It is no surprise that those who spend more time reading than watching Youtube videos are much more intelligent. And although it can feel tedious/time consuming to write notes instead of typing them, this is a proven way to retain more information and improve your language. There are also much fewer distractions that come with a pencil and paper. Although this doesn't hold true for everyone, I personally find it impossible to stay focused in class when working on my computer. These minor changes can help improve your memory and general intelligence.

Generally speaking, most millennials spend their free time either on their phones, watching tv, doing homework on computers etc. I find that with less time away from technology I tend to think less. It can be easy to become caught up in constant entertainment or virtual conversations and forget to set aside time to reflect on your day. This is another reason I feel grateful for teachers who prohibit the use of technology in their classes. Although it can be tempting to check the time or answer texts, I often feel refreshed after putting down my phone for an hour or so. Whether it be first thing in the morning, during classes, or late at night, finding time to reflect can be especially therapeutic and refreshing for people.

With this being said, we cannot continue to constantly be immersed in technology and unaware of what's happening around us. I plan to start challenging myself to refrain from my constant impulses to check for notifications and mindlessly scroll through social media and encourage you all to as well. Next time you're with a friend, family member or even a stranger, try to put down your phone and actually listen to what the other person is saying. Addressing such a widely ignored bad habit is a positive step towards a more literate, patient, and contemplative society. With knowledge comes wisdom, which is much more valuable than followers, likes, or instant answers.

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Wikipedia Commons

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