It is almost December 31st. It is almost the end of another year. The time really does fly by, considering I can still remember New Years Day, and seemingly everything in between. Alas, the year is almost over. Some of us have met our previous resolutions, and others gave up on January 2nd. Regardless of what happened over the best year, with your goals and resolutions, the beauty of a new year is that you get to begin again. The new year gives us a sense of being given a second chance. Well, maybe this is the year we decided we won't waste our second chances!
I've struggled with resolutions in the past. New Years or not, it is always difficult to put your mind to something and stick to it, regardless of the circumstance. I've come up with a couple things every could possibly decide to work on in 2017, as well as ways to stay focused. These may apply to you or they may not. Regardless, I hope you enjoy.
1. Try to Smile Everyday 
No really, studies actually show that if you smile for just 5 minutes each day, you are significantly happier, even if the smile is forced. Also, smiling in someones direction can brighten their day as well, stranger or long-time friend.
2. Start Small 
Sometimes, I feel like people tend to set unrealistic goals for themselves. We aren't all superhuman and we can't always accomplish EVERYTHING we set our minds to. With that said, start small, something that you can work towards. Once you accomplish this, you can build off of it and achieve bigger things.
3. Move Day by Day 
(Shoutout the people who get this reference)
This is key in staying focused. Yes, you need to think long-term in the sense that you're planning out your goals in this way. However, you only accomplish these goals by staying focused, and working towards them day by day. If you failed one day, its okay. Brush it off and try not to worry. Tomorrow will still come!
4. Think Before Doing...but Also Don't 
Alright this may seem complicated, but I promise that it isn't. Yes, you should think about the consequences of your actions, but also, if your gut is telling you something, listen to it. Your gut is usually right. If you are worried about quitting because you're scared of not finding another job, but you absolutely despise your workplace and you can feel it negatively influencing your life, quit! You'll find work, I promise.
5. Listen to Music 
Music is such a healthy way to help express emotion. You could be sad, and listen to "Bad Day." You could be excited, and listen to "Runaway Baby." You could by motivated and listen to "Power." Whatever the mood, whatever the reason, music will help you to fell, which will help you to express. And you need to express your emotions instead of internalizing them.
6. Don't Ignore Yourself 
You deserve attention too. I know we love to focus on the people around us: our husband/wife, siblings, parents, pets, etc. We deserve attention too though, and if we need attention or if we deserve a thank you, just for being us, we should reward ourselves.
7. Be Respectful, Humble, and Kind 
Many people, myself included, could learn an immeasurable amount of information from Tim McGraw's "Humble and Kind."
2017 has a lot of promise. I've been hearing a lot of people complain about 2016 and how terrible it was/is. Well, go out and make this next year yours. Kick its ass and never let it forget you.