A Little Explanation Of The Greek Life Councils
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A Little Explanation Of The Greek Life Councils

NPHC, IFC and PHC — what does it all mean?

A Little Explanation Of The Greek Life Councils
Phi Kappa Psi- Virginia Tech

When you think of Greek Life you probably have a very specific vision of what that looks like. My expectations of Greek Life were completely turned around when I learned about the National Pan-Hellenic Council, the Inter-Fraternity Council, the Pan Hellenic Council and the differences between them. There is so much more to Greek Life than I initially knew.

NPHC - National Panhellenic Council

Often referred to as the "Divine Nine", the NPHC governs nine historically black fraternities and sororities. Each organization has strong ties to its colors, founders, dates, hand signs, and calls. It is frowned upon (frankly, not tolerated) to display anything that relates to another organization. These organizations have a highly privatized recruitment process. It is only during what is called a "Probate" where anybody outside the organization knows who is "on line." A probate is an event where the new members are presented to the community and are literally unmasked to reveal their membership in the organization. Probates are loud, full of chants, facts, and music performed by those participating in the probate. Something to know is that these organizations are often extremely small and have numbers from one to eight people. The different chapters of each organization are very well connected. Something that sets this governing body apart is its emphasis on a lifetime commitment to the organization. They often attend each other's events, probates, and the step show. This community is vibrant, interconnected and extremely devoted to the history of their organizations.

IFC - Interfraternity Council

This is the largest governing council at Virginia Tech. It is made up of 30 (mostly male) organizations. It is important for them to be making a positive name for themselves. Each organization has its own dedicated cause that it raises money and awareness for called a "philanthropy". These organizations have large numbers of members who focus on recruitment at two specific times during the year. The process is not secretive and is open to anyone who is not committed to another IFC organization. The rush week usually involves scrambling to get yourself noticed in crowded spaces with 50+ other people interested in joining the same organization. You get to chose how many organizations you want to rush. After that is bid handout. At Virginia Tech, this is a night where organizations extend offers of membership by going to each building and screaming for each person respectively. What follows from this is bid acceptance after a day of silence where the candidate decides whether to accept the bid. If the bid is accepted, each organization has a different process of initiation into the brotherhood. This period is referred to as pledging and is often associated with "hazing" which is banned at many universities including Virginia Tech. It is at the end of this period where new members are given a "big" or a mentor who has experience in the organization. Letters get to be worn after this event.

PHC - Panhellenic Council

The Panhellenic Council governs the 13 women fraternities and sororities at Virginia Tech. The council is responsible for the implementation of educational programming, the coordination of the annual formal sorority recruitment program, leadership development initiatives, and philanthropic and service efforts. Each organization has its own dedicated cause that it raises money and awareness for called a "philanthropy". These organizations are large in numbers. It is not unheard of to have chapters with over 100 women each. The largest sorority at Virginia Tech is Zeta Tau Alpha which has 284 active members. The recruitment process is intense and often requires returning back to campus two weeks before classes begin. It is all planned strategically and made to look absolutely effortless. This process exposes every potential new member to all of the 13 organizations. There is a dress requirement for both active sisters and potential new members. The most popular recruitment time is during the Spring semester. In speaking with a woman who is a member of Chi Omega at Virginia Tech, I have also discovered that there is a time in the Fall where informal recruitment occurs.

While each of these councils and individual organizations is so different, they all present a unique opportunity to get involved on campus. I chose Greek Life because I knew it would help me in so many ways. It has and my hope is that you find the organization that is best for who you are. Even if you think it isn't for you, just try it out. You may find your closest friends, and you will find brothers or sisters in the organization you chose.

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