Why Going Organic Is The Best Decision Ever
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Why Going Organic Is The Best Decision Ever

The organic foods and lifestyle are back, and their benefits are endless. Let's march to the beat of nature once more.

Why Going Organic Is The Best Decision Ever

We've all heard about organic food. We all know it's a sector in the rise in a world in which we seem to have forgotten than we depend on our natural resources, and that we are what we eat.

But what does consuming organic products really imply? What is its significance? And most important of all: What are the benefits? Why should we go organic?

Well, here are the reasons why consuming organic products is the best decision you´ll ever take, and what going organic really means.

Preserve the environment

We only have one planet Earth, and we're destroying it.

1. By choosing to go organic, you stop contributing to the worsening of environmental problems such as the planet's deforestation and desertification, the extinction of species, toxic waste, climate change and greenhouse effect.

In sum, one the one hand, consuming organic products saves the environmental cost of conventional production, caused by the use of non renewable energies (such as fossil fuels) or non environmentally friendly production and distribution procedures.

On the other hand, it helps fight the uncontrolled and ongoing destruction of natural goods and resources.

Guarantee the sustainability of the land and sea

This point applies specifically to the agriculture, stockbreeding and fishing sectors. And all of these need the land and sea.

1. The conventional method used by the big agricultural and fishing industries is intensive farming/production (since it's the most profitable way of production for them). However, intensive production leads to a dangerous land and sea over-exploitation. What does this mean? It means that this way of producing strips the earth from its nutrients, and it ends up being barren land. In a similar way, over-exploiting the resources of the sea will have (in a not so long term basis) devastating effects, since there will be a point in which there won't be any more fish to capture.

In sum, eating organic foods helps preventing the over-exploitation of the land and its resources (including flora and fauna).

2. The use of toxic chemical pesticides and fertilizers, as well as the development and commercializing of transgenics (genetically modified foods), have become an essential part of the way conventional food is produced. By consuming organic food, you stop contributing to its use and development, and you get to avoid their unhealthy side effects.

3. Consuming organic foods ensures that the vital and natural cycles of animals and plants are respected, which ends up being beneficial for both them and us.


Perhaps our most immediate concern. You might want to think twice what you eat.

1. Artificial hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, fertilizers used in plants and animal meat and products you consume as part of you daily diet build up in your body, provoking diseases and pathological conditions in a long term basis.

2. When consuming organic food, not only you are avoiding consuming potentially harmful components within your food, but you ensure that you ingest all the best nutritional properties your body needs (such as vitamins and minerals). How?

Easy. The nutritional properties and quality of foods directly depend on the quality of the land (or the feeding it receives, in the case of cattle): an earth that is nutrient rich will therefore pass these nutrients to the food it produces, which finally will pass to us in turn. Intensely farmed land (as mentioned before) lacks these nutrients, and so does the conventional food cultivated in it.

Since the organic sector prioritize locally grown food, its properties aren't lost during the production chain, and there is no need for artificial preservatives and antioxidants: the food is fresh and rich in the nutrients your body needs. And all this without destroying and harming the environment, and contributing to its sustainability!

Enjoy food at its best

Who doesn't want the tastiest food?

1. Going organic means one more thing: that you get to enjoy all the bestorganoleptic properties of the food: that is, the aspects of food that we experience by the senses, including taste, smell, sight and touch.

Fruits and vegetables are collected at its optimum time, which ensures the best taste. Since no artificial flavorings are used in organic foods either, everything has its characteristic, natural and original flavor and smell.

One last thing:

While going organic will surely imply some more money spending than you're used to, (because yes, organic food is more expensive), you must be aware that this is because low quality and industrialized ingredients are cheaper, and because the environmental cost of conventional food production and distribution isn't added to its final price.

If you think that we have the ethical obligation to do things right not only for us but for our environment too, and that a healthy life and tasty food is worth the effort and the money, then the organic food and lifestyle is for you.

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