After graduating from high school, most people never get the opportunity to go back to one of the most exciting events of the school year, prom! Prom is such an amazing experience and a must-do for a high school student. While it is a blast to get to attend such an event while being in high school, getting the opportunity to take a trip down memory lane and have the night of your life again is an experience that you can not pass up if you ever get the chance.
Going back to prom is so special for so many reasons. Even though you may be nervous because you will not know many people or because it just seems weird to be going back in time, you won’t regret going back. One thing that makes going back to prom so much fun is getting to dance as much as you want! Sure you danced at past proms but being around a crowd of people that you don’t know makes it so much easier to let go and bust a move. Who knows, you might even make some friends and bond over your horrific dancing.
Prom is a night where girls get to pamper themselves and feel like the princesses they are. Getting to do that again just makes you feel good. Of course, there will be other opportunities to do this in a girl’s life, but for most girls prom and their wedding are the two times they really get to go all out for themselves. If you get to go to prom again, do yourself a favor and pamper yourself a little in the process. You might think that since it isn’t “your” prom that you don’t really need to get your hair and makeup done or do your nails, but trust me, it makes all the difference. You will feel so confident and ready to dance the night away with your date.
Getting to relive one of the most exciting nights of your high school years once you have moved on to things bigger than high school makes the experience so much different. Being able to come back and look at everything with a new set of eyes and a new mindset will not only bring back old memories but will also let you enjoy your night so much more. You won’t be as stressed about where you are eating dinner before the dance or if you will have enough time in between to take pictures. You will now see that those details are so small and are not what makes the night one to remember. You realize that it is the people that you are with and how much fun you allow yourself to have that makes your prom night so special.
So to everyone who will be attending their prom this year or in the coming years, enjoy every minute of it. To everyone who may get the chance to go to a prom once they have graduated from high school, please take it. It could end up being even better than you ever imagined.