A few weeks ago, I finally had the chance to see the Wonder movie! Once I saw the trailer, I knew had to find time to go see it because I always do this and maybe you do too. You always say you're going to see a movie and then once you're ready to go see it, it's not in the theaters anymore. Well, I didn't have that happen this time because I saw it! Here is the trailer down below if you haven't seen it yet.
If this doesn't pull your heart strings a little then I don't know man. When I first saw the trailer, I was ready to fight all of Auggie's bullies! How could they be so cruel to him?! But that just goes to show that this movie has a great purpose in which the audience will truly learn from. I just want to put out a big disclaimer that I did not read the book so if you have I'm not sure if your review will be similar to mine.
The Acting
I personally felt the acting was excellent! You know when movies just have some awkward acting in certain parts? Well, this was not one of those kind of movies. I feel everyone did great, it just felt so real. Especially Owen Wilson, for the most part he is in funny movies well except Marley and Me but that's a whole different story. Marley and Me is one of my favorites. He was so emotional in this movie even though he had his
jokes here and there.
The POVs
I think it was a great idea to present the main characters' point of views throughout the movie because it was interesting to see August's older sister Via's point of view especially. Imagine feeling like you're not getting
enough attention from your parents but if you speak up about it, it will be taken the wrong way. That's pretty tough! I don't want to go into extreme detail because I don't want to give away much.
It Really Portrays American Bullying
Unfortunately, we see so many stories about children getting bullied in our society. Let's say they usually don't end well. One of the reasons for the bullying tends to be because the bullied individual looks different from those who are bullying them. They are called some names and it just gets worse from there. If it is happening at the victim's school, then these negative interactions with their peers makes them not want to attend school. Things like this shouldn't interfere with a child's
education but it definitely does. You wouldn't want to be in an environment where you don't feel welcomed. Some students have to go as far as
transferring schools because nothing is done about their situation. In Auggie's case, his mother homeschooled him to avoid bullying. I think this is a movie all children and actually even adults should watch so they can learn from it.
With that, I hope you consider watching the Wonder movie!