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10 Reasons Girls Who Are Addicted To 'Grey's Anatomy' Make The BEST Girlfriends

It's a beautiful day to save her dating life.

10 Reasons Girls Who Are Addicted To 'Grey's Anatomy' Make The BEST Girlfriends

I know we are all dying over this winter break period with TGIT ABC but we will get through this together.

I have been watching Grey's Anatomy since my freshman year of college, and well, it's been a long 5 years of quotes, finding my person who I am blessed to have a phone call or text way, finding other Grey's lovers, and sending texts to my sister in all caps because something shocking happened that I wasn't expecting. (Okay, Shonda does that to us a lot let's be honest.) Yet if we can get through Shonda's tricks and ways we can get through anything, right?

She is the best type of girl on this planet, even if she makes you watch an episode and you don't know what's happening, or if someone died and your shirt is now drenched with her tears over a fictional character.

If you are dating a Grey's girl don't let her go.

They're loyal 

That girl has watched 15 seasons of Grey's Anatomy, and you bet your ass she has rewatched the series a handful of times. She has been through plane crashes, heart breaks, and cheating scandals. She has been through it all. You guys will do just fine.

They have a person

There can be this pressure in a relationship to be there for your s/o for every little thing. Yet don't worry, your girl has a person they can text at three a.m. or drink tequila with them in the bathroom. You're off the hook. You're welcome.

You will always have a drinking partner 

Speaking of tequila, she will always be up for a good time. Day drinking at a baseball game or at a bar she is down for some alcohol. Don't let her quit her job and become a horrible bartender like Yang, but at the end of the day she will always be down for a drink.

She will always have a pep talk for you 

It might be a direct quote from Cristina Yang or Doctor Bailey, but is there really anything wrong with that? You're brilliant you'll be fine.

She's practically a doctor 

You think your fine? Let her look you over and make sure you don't have any skin falling off, or you don't have flesh-eating bacteria spreading up your leg from your out of the country trip.

She loves a good dance party 

If you find her dancing in the kitchen or on the coffee table leave her be. She is stressed, she is going through something, or she got good news.

She will always stand up for you 

She is whole heartedly passionate and in love with you. She is your best friend, your partner in crime and will stand up for you and root for you every possible way even if you were an idiot or wrong.

She'll remind you that you are the sun 

Sometimes we need a reminder of how amazingly strong we are and need to be reminded how loved we are. Well, she's your girl to give you that reminder on your darkest days.

She isn't afraid to call you out if you're being an idiot 

Don't think that you can get away with things because you can't. She'll let you know when you're being an asshole, and she'll let you know when you're being an idiot.

She'll be your accomplice 

If you need an accomplice she will be your girl. She will help roll that person up in a rug, or she will be in the getaway car outside.

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