You live your life expecting it to turn out as you have seen others’ lives excel, but what happens when it doesn’t?
You go through high school with your life on the right path. High school seemed easy and simple. You had your group of friends, you went to the sporting events, you did honor-roll worthy in school, and you had a social life. You thought you had your whole future planned out. You were accepted into the University of your choosing and you thought you had the perfect major, but as the years went by, things changed.
Freshman year came and it still seemed right. You made it through with flying colors and you were on the Dean’s List. You were proud. Your family was proud. Your future was still on the right path. Sophomore year caused some doubts and had its own issues, but you powered through. Then came junior year, and everything went downhill. You started changing your mind. You didn’t feel like this was right for you anymore. Is there any way to turn back? You weren’t ready for this. No one prepared you, no one told you how to get to what you were told you wanted. You’re about to be a senior now, your time at school is ending, and you’re unsure of what will come next.
It seems like everyone around you knows what they want to do, whether it’s getting a job right out of college, going on to a graduate school to further their study, or starting a family. They seem to know what they want. They know that what they want to do with their future will be something that they’ll love. But you, you just don’t know. You start to question whether or not you’re good enough, whether or not you’re ready. It all seems so big and undeniably unknowing.
People ask you all of the time what you plan on doing after college. You answer with the usual, saying the field that you want to go into that revolves around your major, but every time you say it, it somehow furthers your doubt. Is this what you want to do with the rest of your life? Can you picture yourself loving this? What were to happen if you changed your mind and went in the opposite direction of your major? Everything in life is uncertain. Plans change at any time, anywhere.
There’s so many chances left in your life that still have the opportunity of happening. You’re young and you still have so many years to accomplish what you want. Whether or not those accomplishments include traveling the world, finding a cure, or spending time with loved ones. You only get one chance at life, so spend it doing what you love.