You Can Now Get Your Christ-Like Condom At The LU Health Center
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You Can Now Get Your Christ-Like Condom At The LU Health Center

Are We Training Champions For Christ Or Are We Just Training Champions Of "Safe" Sex?

You Can Now Get Your Christ-Like Condom At The LU Health Center
Women Advance

It came to my attention earlier last week that Liberty University - the world's largest Christian university - now provides contraceptive birth control to students at the campus health clinic.

This is a university that once banned kissing on campus (but now allows it), that wouldn't allow you to watch R-rated movies (but now allows you to), that still won't allow you to have the opposite sex in your dorm, allow you to drink alcohol even after you're 21, or stay out past midnight on the weekends – but it now provides abortion-inducing drugs for sexually active students.

Are we training champions for Christ or are we just training champions of "safe" sex?

As if natural sex is somehow unsafe...

It's unknown how long this has been available to students, all we can do is speculate and further investigate. Earlier last week the web page displayed this image:

And has since removed the words "pill, patch, ring, and condoms," but left "birth control."

For a Christian institution that prides itself on being unapologetically pro-life, I find this extremely inconsistent and hypocritical for three reasons:

1. Available birth control on campus will likely increase sexual promiscuity among students.

The sexual revolution, also known as the "free love" movement of the 1960's was the direct result of the mass produced birth control pill that was readily available once the Comstock laws (enacted by Protestant legislatures) were overturned in the Supreme Court case Griswold V. Connecticut. The so-called "right to privacy" that was discovered in this case legalized birth control for married couples, eventually led to the legalization of birth control for singles, as well as the right to abortion, pornography, and gay marriage - all of these removing sex from its original context and purpose. No society has ever legalized one and not seen the others soon follow in due time.

Additionally, the number of babies born out of wedlock has also skyrocketed since the 1960's. Contrary to popular myth, birth control does not decrease abortion, but only increases sexual misconduct.

The acceptance of birth control has, in fact, birthed the mindset of abortion: "I want to have all the pleasures of sex but I don't want the baby. I want to separate the possible natural occurrence of the sexual act from the sexual act itself." Abortion is just one step passed birth control and even considered a form of birth control.

Legalizing birth control was the first crusade of Margaret Sanger who opened the first illegal birth control clinic that later became Planned Parenthood - the nation's largest abortion provider.

When birth control fails, abortions occur because you already have a society that feels entitled to have sexual pleasure without accepting personal responsibility.

For those who take the pill for sexually unrelated health reasons, I plead with you to find natural methods, since the pill is the most dangerous drug on the market for women. It has been linked to causing breast cancer, cervical cancer, heart attacks, infertility, and even death. Or another option and alternative that I encourage you to look into is naprotechnology, a new scientific approach to gynecology.

2. Hormonal Contraception causes chemical abortions.

The pill, patch, and ring are a lower dosage of the same hormones found in Emergency Contraception, also known as Plan B or "The Morning After" pill.

This hormonal drug has three ways of working. The first mechanism prevents ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary). The second mechanism can cause the mucus in the cervix to change so that if sperm does, in fact, reach the cervix, it is more difficult for entrance. And the third mechanism irritates the lining of the uterus so that if the first two actions fail (and they often do) and the woman does become pregnant, the baby will die from starvation before attaching to the lining of the uterus.

3. The concept of controlling birth is historically unbiblical and goes against the Christian marriage sexual ethic and natural law.

The purpose of sex is for relational bonding (within the covenant of marriage) and for babies (the reproduction of our species). The Christian marital union submits to God and allows Him to have dominion over the definition and purpose of marriage. This including the planning of the couple's family in which He either blesses the couple through His procreative power in the gift of children or blesses the couple with other Kingdom endeavors outside reproduction since not all couples are willed to conceive.

It's inconsistent to say that we've surrendered to God except in the case of our future family.

It's incorrect to say that you and your spouse are one fleshwhen you're withholding your fertility from each other.

It's morally wrong when we start to make decisions based on economic circumstance and practicality over principle, especially when we know that God provides for those who trust in Him and rely on Him.

The entire Christian Church was against birth control up until 1930 when the Anglican Church split from the Catholic Church on the issue. 1,900 years of Church unity died when culture started influencing how the Church interpreted scripture instead of the Church influencing culture through the scriptures.

Margaret Sanger wisely portrayed herself as a Protestant and went on a mission to destroy the family, and by God, she succeeded.

Unfortunately, I'm not surprised that an Evangelical school is sticking to its Evangelical roots embracing birth control, as they not so long ago embraced abortion.

This is a school that only provides one bus of students to the annual March for Life and charges the pro-life group for the bus. This is a school that did not approve an event to be a sponsored psych activity because it was arguing why Christians should reject birth control. The ignorance of this subject in the Protestant church is overwhelming. The history is unknown and certainly unpopular, especially among intolerant faculty and students who tore down posters advertising the event.

According to,

“It wasn’t until 1979 — a full six years after Roe — that evangelical leaders seized on abortion not for moral reasons, but …. because the anti-abortion crusade was more palatable than the religious right’s real motive: protecting segregated schools.”

"When Roe was first decided, most of the Southern evangelicals who today make up the backbone of the anti-abortion movement believed that abortion was a deeply personal issue in which government shouldn’t play a role. Some were hesitant to take a position on abortion because they saw it as a “Catholic issue,” and worried about the influence of Catholic teachings on American religious observance. "

And as tells us,

“I have always felt that it was only after a child was born and had a life separate from its mother that it became an individual person." - W.A. Criswell, President of the Southern Baptist Convention of 1973

"A little more than a decade later, Criswell and others were leading the charge in an impassioned crusade against legal abortion, creating one of the first evangelical-Catholic coalitions in American political history. But birth control didn’t come along for the ride; it remained, until recently, a matter of Catholic concern."

The Church needs to stand firm on timeless Truth and not waiver to current culture or present circumstance. If we are to see a revival in the culture, we must first see a revival in the Church.

As my roommate ironically reminded me earlier last week when this latest Liberty disappointment was discovered, "It's unfortunate that the Liberty pro-life club has to now pray outside its own student health center."

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