The 6 Essential Components Of Any Travel Group
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The 6 Essential Components Of Any Travel Group

And their opposites.

The 6 Essential Components Of Any Travel Group
Blair Hendricks

You meet all kinds of people while traveling, but some of the most note-worthy people may be right in your own friend group. You were probably haphazardly thrown together as a small group within your larger tour group or program. Though in every group, it seems like there's a handful of stock characters that show up. Please note that it is possible to be one or more roles at the same time. Here are The six people (and their opposites) you'll have in every travel group:

1. The Serial Voyager

Their signature line is "when I was in X...."This person has already traveled extensively; their Facebook and Instagram profiles are full of picturesque landscapes from all over the globe. They know the hot spots, how to get around for the least amount of money, and they best times to go out to eat and hit the club. This is a great person to know, but spending every single weekend with them may get expensive!

Opposite: The First-Time Voyager

Of course for every travel savvy member, you'll have an overly anxious/excited person. They usually tend to be followers because they've never really flown before, they don't know how the restaurants work here, or how to buy tickets for the metro. They may be more frequently nervous than the rest of the group, or more excited because to them, everything is new.

2. The One That's On A Budget

This person is on a strict budget and they won't let you forget that. Their signature line is "but that seems expensive..." Sometimes, this person is kind of a buzzkill. When everybody is set on going out to the nice restaurant, this person may insist on the takeout place that's "just as good" next door. However, this is also a good person to have in the group. When you are all set to buy that pair of shoes and your budget-conscious friend's eyes bug out at the price tag, you may reconsider, and save yourself a chunk of change. Even though they may seem like a Debbie-Downer sometimes, they actually give the group a much-needed reality check from time to time.

Opposite: Rich Uncle Pennybags

This person seems to have an unlimited supply of money. Whether or not they actually do, they sure do spend like it. This person may have parents helping them fund the trip, or maybe they think "life is short I'm just going to go for it." Their signature line may be "You know where we should go for the weekend? X!" They are fans of shopping, traveling around, and tasting every bit of cuisine that their wallet will allow. This person is fun and will encourage you to have a good time, but keep their budget-savvy counterpart close at hand too.

3. The Partier

This person is always down to go dancing. They want to hit the club, meet people, drink, and make memories. They are not shy and will probably make friends will locals at the bar and the club. Their energy may be inexhaustible, but be warned: this is probably the friend you'll have to play "Mom" for all night.

Opposite: La Vieille Dame

She prefers the term "vieille dame" because it sounds more sophisticated than "old lady." This is the friend who has to be home by midnight when the clock strikes twelve, or she'll turn into a pumpkin. You will have to drag her out with you guys. Even if she does in fact have a good time, she'll still complain the next time you guys all want to go out. On the bright side, when you are also feeling too tired to go out and don't want to bring everyone down, you won't be alone. This friend probably prefers tea to alcohol.

4. The Romance-Crazy One

Signature line: "ooh he's cute." She notices every attractive person that passes. While she's there to "study" abroad, many suspect she's more interested in international romance. She may be quick to dance with people during a night out and more open about sending flirtatious vibes. The group may conspire to be her wingwomen.

Opposite: The Serial Monogamist

Signature line: "Oh my god my boyfriend/girlfriend back home would LOVE this!" This person has a super-solid relationship with their significant other back home. It's kind of cute, actually. They may or may not be planning to visit, and she often circles back to this fact in conversation. She probably sends them cute pictures and picks out extra-special souvenirs. She will concede that people are attractive and that it would be fun to have romance abroad, but deep down she knows she's happy and wouldn't trade it for anything. More than willing to be your wingwoman, but also has a special knack for pointing out when somebody is isn't worth it.

5. The Language Expert

This person has mastered the language (or just has more confidence) than the rest of the group. They are often called upon to read signs, menus, ticket kiosks, order in restaurants, or reserve a table. Just to double-check. This person may grumble when they are called upon by the group to order for everyone (again), but secretly they enjoy it and feel like they have a superpower. They will probably try to speak the language causally in group to a degree that's exhausting for everyone else. They mean well though, and your own language skills will probably improve by hanging out with this person.

Opposite: The Language Novice

This person came here barely speaking the language. They get major bravery points, but sometimes it just seems kind of impractical. This person may or may not also be the first time voyager as well. Though they may try, the waitstaff usually ends up speaking English with this person out of sheer practicality.

6. The Navigator

This person is blessed with an incredible sense of direction. Or maybe they can just read signs really way. Either way, this is the leader of the pack when trying to get anywhere.

Opposite: The One Who Can't Read A Map

Do not ever let this person lead the group. They will try their hardest to read maps and signs, but ultimately they have no sense of direction. Sometimes they think they know where they are going, and ultimately get the group horribly lost, to everyone's annoyance. Other times they will wholeheartedly admit that they don't know left from right, and will just quietly follow everybody else.

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