To My Best Friend(s)
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Student Life

To My Best Friend(s)

A set of vignettes about some of my best friends.

To My Best Friend(s)
Learning How To Walk On My Own

A set of vignettes for some of my best friends after a hard week.


The first time we met, we were in Kindergarten.

I don't remember much else; but hey. Fifteen years of friendship, things kinda get blurry. I do remember our late-night chats about life, our movie marathons, our mall trips.

We're on the same wavelength when it comes to calls; every time I think, Hmm. I haven't called her in a while--bam, you're calling me.Or I'm calling you, and you say the same thing. It's like we're psychic or something!

I remember when you were able to come visit me our freshman year of college, and we'd have a much-needed break from our first year away from home; or, now that I'm older and think about it, our first year of really growing up.

And grow up we have. Even when far apart, we still make time for each other. Still do. And that means the world to me. You are a part of my family, my sister from another bloodline. You are my oldest best friend--heck, my oldest friendship, period.

Thank you for being my best friend.


The first time we met, I was a freshman.

You were a junior. At that point, I had a legit fear of upperclassmen. I barely talked through the duration of Band Camp because I was seriously convinced that some day, I was going to be pushed into a locker or something, like in the cartoons.

People said we had a lot in common. Similar mannerisms, similar personalities. I, being barely even sure of my self-identity at that point, wasn't sure what to say. What did that even mean?

When I got into the musical's cast, I heard you were Prop Head, if only in passing, with a vague idea of who you are. When you told off the entire cast for messing up some props, I was confused; how could I have something in common with this young woman who could very easily kick my rear end?

But, as we talked backstage one night during dress rehearsals and Tech Week, I realized quickly that they were right. You also liked a lot of the same things I did. Theatre, anime, books, general nerd culture... In my friend group at the time, I felt lost. In making friends with you, for the first time in High School, I finally felt like I belonged.

You taught me make-up, fashion, DC Comic Lore, and how to be responsible at college. Your family accepted me as one of their own--An Italian girl in a clan of Irish people. Yet, I never feel unwelcome. You are the older sister I never had, but had always wanted.

Thank you for being my best friend.


The first time we met, I was at a football game.

A mutual friend dragged you over to the stands, where I was stationed with the rest of the Drumline, and you waved to me, quiet.

Ha. You. Quiet. That's a good one.

The second time we met, we were on a field trip and realized we were both fans of the same series. From there, I found a friend in you, and you helped make High School bearable--dare I say, fun. (As you know, that was no easy task.)

Still, you've grown so much since I met you. As have I. You've grown into a brilliant, beautiful human being who could easily kick my rear. (And, of course, I'd thank you for it.) You are a master pep-talk giver.

You, too, are a force to be reckoned with. I'm just glad that when I need some quality memes or someone to have a Trash Night with, talking about foreign policy until 3 in the morning (even though we both have a 7 AM shift the next day at work--It was nice knowing us) you'll be there. Well, I mean--there in spirit, at least.

You are a sister to me; a friend, now part of my family.

Thank you for being my best friend.


The first time we met, I was a freshman.

...In college, that is. The first week of school. I saw you at a star viewing event. It was oppressively warm, and mosquitoes were eating us all alive--gorging themselves on a banquet of freshmeat. I didn't really know anyone except for a hometown friend who came with me. You were softspoken, yet friendly.

I didn't actually become friends with you, however, until far later. When I used to hold hang-out nights in my room, watching movies and eating pizza. You would slip into the room quietly, softly, like a shadow. Yet, you always had a notable presence.

I wanted to make sure you were included, no matter what, since not only was I the de facto "mom friend", but you'd also joined the group of friends later in the year, when we were all clinging to each other in an attempt to find a new family away from our old ones at home.I didn't know you as well at first, but I soon realized that we shared a lot of the same interests and hobbies--and that you were incredibly kind.

You're my most recent best friend, but that doesn't change the fact that you're a phenomenal one. You're the Tenth Doctor to my Donna Noble. You always say what I need to hear, when I need to hear it. You've seen me at my worst, my best, my hangriest. You, too, are family to me--my brother some days, but on most days, my adopted son.

Thank you for being my best friend.

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