Freshman year is full of new experiences, usually awkward, fun, stressful, and downright memorable experiences. For a lot of us, it's the first time we got to live without our parents, and that alone is enough to stress someone out. What are you supposed to do when you get a stain on your white shirt? And how about when your computer gets a virus at 2 a.m., but you have a paper due at 8 a.m.? Freshman year can be the best worst time of your life, and there's no one better than Tina Belcher to tell the tale.
You probably started off the year excited about your new space. After months of collaboration with your roommate, you matched everything from bed sheets, carpet, rugs, bean bags, posters, and binder colors.
And then, welcome week started. You got to spend time with all your new besties that you met during a forced icebreaker by your RA, and met more new people at a painfully awkward frat party packed to the brim with other freshman that don't know anyone but the people on their floor either.
You had a great night, until you realized that your ID fell out the card holder on the back of your phone, and you left your debit card on the counter after buying $30 worth of tacos for you and all your friends at 3 a.m.
But that's not the worst of it, classes started, and you got pounded with 80 pages of reading in every one of your classes. Not only did you never read a book in high school, you weren't even sure you remembered how to read. Everyone on your floor heard about how stressed out you were, and you called your mom to complain, too.
Things started to take a turn for the better when you met a cute boy at a party.
You guys talked, and you somehow convinced him to give you his sweatshirt for the walk home, since you had to put a freeze on your debit card and couldn't Uber back.
Things were going great between you guys, until he decided to stop replying to your Snapchats, and you saw him out with another girl. Basically, you told everyone about how miserable you were, and secretly hoped he'd never find love again. How could he do that? Where did you go wrong? Aren't you supposed to find your one true love in college?
But through all the hard times, stressful assignments, and accidental all nighters, you learned that your parents are your best friends. They don't leave you at parties like boys do, and they (almost) always answer your texts. They even help you do your homework over Facetime when you can't figure it out and you're too scared to email your professor about it.