Compared to most girls in the world, I'd consider myself to be pretty low-maintenance when it comes to being in a relationship. I don't want expensive gifts or meals, nor do I need constant reassurance (although it is nice every once in a while). I don't need to be complimented every second of every day and I don't really want to be; being complimented too often makes them lose their effect.
There are 17 things that are required for a relationship that all cost less than a case of beer, and for all you frat boys out there, it cost less than your beer pong tables and solo cups combined. As a matter of fact, they are all free! So grab a pen and paper, boys, you might want to write a few of these down because even the girls who are high-maintenance will appreciate these...
1. Making her laugh
Trust me, nothing makes a girl fall in love with you harder than making her laugh till her stomach hurts.
2. Treating her as your equal
It's 2018 and women are more empowered than they have ever been. Give your support and never talk down to her.
3. ...but also treat her like the princess she is
Most likely, she's been her dad's princess her entire life... and now that she's yours, don't let her forget it.
4. Be her gentleman
Hold the door for her, open her car door, give her your jacket, pull out her chair for her; the opportunities are endless to show her you haven't forgotten how to win her heart.
5. Be her protector
While we can fight our own battles, it's nice to see you stand up for us whenever things get too hard for us to handle.
6. Be a good listener
Whether we're talking about our day, the problems we're facing, or just about random things that have happened, it's nice to know that you are listening and are engaged in the conversation. Not EVERYTHING has to be about sports or what happened at the last frat party.
7. Take cute pictures!
This is a big one. We want to be able to show you off on Instagram, show our friends what you look like, and have the pictures to keep for memories.
8. Wipe her tears awayÂ
Everyone has their breaking point, so be sure that you're there for her when she reaches hers.
9. Be someone who she can trust and put trust into her
Trust is something incredibly important in a relationship and it can be easily broken. Make sure you're someone she can trust, and in turn you put your trust into her.
10. Be honest
It really isn't that complicated. After all, we'll find things out quicker than the FBI.
11. Communicate with us
As cliché as it is, communication is key. Tell us how you feel, what makes you upset, what you want to fix.
13. Remember her favorite things
Her favorite color, her favorite animal, how she takes her coffee. Every detail is important.
14. Be spontaneous
Go for a hike, go to the beach, for a walk in the woods, a picnic! Once again, the options are endless.
15. Show her you love her
It's not always about telling her you love her, showing her can make all the difference.
16. Be able to sit around and do nothing
It's about just being with her; being alone together.
17. Remind her that she's the only one who has your heart
Like I said before, while I don't need constant reassurance, it is nice to get a reminder every once in awhile.
All of these examples are free and very easy to accomplish. Each one is important in a relationship and will only make her fall in love with you harder and faster.
However, a box of chocolates, flowers, or even a new pair of shoes wouldn't hurt.