For Those Of You Who Are The Older SIster
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For Those Of You Who Are The Older SIster

Learning and not even realizing it

For Those Of You Who Are The Older SIster

1. You’re a role model:

Everything you do, say and react to they watch. They as younger siblings idolize you! Take advantage of the limelight and do right by them. Show them the right path.

2. You’re a coach or cheerleader:

Every sport you played they are going to want to play too. Show them some moves, and always be on the sideline. If you’re there for support and cheering or if you’re the type of sibling that coaches from the sides, that’s okay too just remember they are trying their best!

3. You’re a teacher:

Not everyone is a genius at the same subjects you were in school. Helping your younger siblings with spelling, science and even those annoying math problems will show them you care. It shows them you want them to do well in school.

4. You’re a chauffeur:

When mom and dad aren’t around, and they are too young to drive Older Sister Taxi Service is running. Everyone experiences those days where they are driving this one to her friends, this one to school, picking that one up and dropping them home, and running to bring the other one here. We pretend to be a mom at this point and our siblings become like our own children. Which is then forcing us really to wait to have kids.

5. You’re an endless supply of clothes:

Every older sister has faced this problem if you’re not facing it currently. There comes a time where, and I know it’s crazy I don’t get the logic either, but every little sister thinks she and you are the same size. Coming home from work or school to find your little sister walking around the house in that really comfy pair of grey sweat pants you got from your ex boyfriend (awkward enough) can be frustrating. “Is that my shirt?!” “Are those my pants?!” some of the many phrases us older sisters find ourselves repeating constantly. But hey, at least they think you have nice style!

6. You’re the one they come to for advice:

This is where we really connect with our younger siblings. For the boys they come to us to vent when mom and dad won’t let them ride their bikes past a certain point or when dad is their sports coach and yells at them too much. The girls on the other hand are coming to you for advice about clothes, hair, makeup, drama, parent issues too, and of course the boys they are crushing on.

7. You’re the test dummy:

Every older sister feels they are like a lab rat, well at least I do. My parents let me do things and then when something bad happens they turn to my siblings and say, “Ya see! Don’t follow your sister” You are the first to do everything and say everything too so watch what comes out of your mouth. We all know the saying “monkey see, monkey do”.

8. You’re the bodyguard:

When someone bullies, pushes around, makes fun of, etc. someone’s little sibling most older sisters go into Momma bear mode. We get all red in the face, ask if they have any older siblings (sisters to hit back, brothers maybe to hit on), and we just want to go up to the little snot nose kids and give them a piece of our minds. But as older sisters we just give them advice on how to handle it and make sure they handle it the right way.

9. You’re a hair and makeup expert:

Getting ready for work, they are watching. Getting ready for school, they are watching. Every time you do your hair and makeup they watch and want you to help them do theirs. After all who doesn’t like doing makeup and hair on their younger sister? The American girl dolls can only take so much practice.

10. You’re the do’s and don’t’s in relationships:

Ah the relationships, your younger siblings view you having a boyfriend in two ways. Younger sisters look up to you and wish that they have a relationship just like you two when they’re older. Your younger brothers on the other hand ask you a billion questions about the guy and not because they want to get to know him. They want to make sure he is a good enough guy for their sister. They make sure to meet him and give him a firm handshake. If your younger brothers are anything like mine though, one is overprotective and the other just wants someone to help make fun of us and play soccer with.

11. You’re the cover-up:

Whenever there is an instance where your sibling comes to you for help getting cover it’s probably for a good reason. Most of the time they didn’t really do anything that bad they just don’t want your parents to think they are anything but angels. Why not come to the older sister who already gets in enough trouble? Good thinking. The only time I would not cover for a sibling is if they have done something really bad and parents need to be aware of it. Sneaking out and all that silly stuff is everything we did when we were younger, but these guys need help covering it up. We can’t all be experts at sneaking out!

12. You’re the forever best friend:

Everyone thinks being an older sister is so bad at times. It can take a real toll on us. But when you take a step back and realize by being all these things to your siblings you, learn a lot about yourself too. You never think of yourself as having all these roles, you just tend to dwell on the most recent issue in your life. Never forget that you can pick your friends but you can’t pick your family. Your friends can come and go but family is forever so being a best friend to a sibling is so rewarding.

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