Why You Should Probably Get A Flu Vaccine
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Why You Should Probably Get A Flu Vaccine

Why You Should Probably Get A Flu Vaccine
Huffington Post

With more and more Scientologists and hipsters pointing to vaccines as the source of our problems and flu season just around the corner, it has come time to examine the question: to vaccinate or not to vaccinate?

What’s the harm in not getting vaccinated?

Well, aside from the risk of spending the next week or two hugging the toilet and being held up in bed: 111 million work days and $87.1 billion.

Americans lose an estimated 111 million workdays to the flu each year, adding up to approximately $7 billion in lost revenue for individuals and an overall economic burden of $87.1 billion according to the National Center for Biotechnical Information.

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that the 2014-2015 flu vaccine was only 23% effective, with children 6 to 17-years-old seeing the best results, it firmly recommends getting vaccinated as individuals who do not get the vaccine are more likely to catch the virus. Those who contract influenza may feel symptoms for up to two weeks. They may continue to pass on the virus 24 hours after their fever subsides.

How serious is the flu?

It depends. An average 30-year-old American will have contracted the flu roughly six times in his or her lifetime and walked away with nothing but horrible memories of feeling achy, nauseous and lethargic. For many, it’s much more serious. Hospitals admit 200,000 people to the emergency room with the flu each year, and 36,000 of those patients leave through the morgue. In such cases the flu may not necessarily be the primary cause of death, but it is a major contributing factor.

If I get the vaccine, why might I still get sick?

Vaccines work differently for everyone. It’s most effective in preventing children and healthy adults from getting sick. Elderly individuals, or anyone with a previously weakened immune system or chronic illness, are more likely to catch the flu. In these cases, the flu may be a mutated strain. The vaccines protect against known strains of the virus from previous years. 70% of the viruses circulating our communities are what medical professionals refer to as “drift variants,” viruses that have mutated to become resistant to antibiotics.

Who is most at risk to catch the flu?

Pregnant women as well as children under 5-years-old and adults over 65-years-old are at the highest risk for contracting the flu virus.

Doesn’t the vaccine lead to autism?

No. After parents began pointing to vaccines as a possible cause of Autism Spectrum Disorder in 2011, the CDC launched an investigation into the link between the two. There was none. Just to be safe, the CDC launched a second investigation in 2013. Researchers looked specifically at the number of antigens in children’s bodies in the first two years of their lives. They found that the number remained consistent between children with and without autism, a result that confirmed the 2011 study.

Who are these anti-vaccine proponents?

  • Jenny McCarthy—Blames vaccines for her son’s autism, but claims that she cured him with a gluten-free diet. A 2013 study from Harvard Medical School proves that there is no benefit to a gluten-free diet and would not by any means cure autism.
  • Jim Carrey—After dating Jenny McCarthy for five years, he also blames vaccines for her son’s autism and claims that vaccines haven’t been studied enough. The $1.4 billion dollars that the US annually funnels into vaccine research begs to differ.
  • Alicia Stone—The author of The Kind Mama writes all about her firm stance against both vaccines and diapers. You may also recognize from that video where she was caught on camera feeding her 11-month-old son like a baby bird. That’s right. Stone chews the food before shoving it directly from her mouth to his.
  • Charlie Sheen—From the man that brought you, “Boom, crush," "Night, losers," "Winning, duh” and “I got tiger blood, man." "Dying’s for fools, dying’s for amateurs;” Charlie Sheen has recently claimed that vaccines are “poison.” Cocaine is fine though. Right, Charlie?
  • Donald Trump—Because he’s Donald Trump.

Who should NOT get a flu vaccine?

Children younger than 6-months-old and people with life-threatening allergies to ingredients in the vaccine should skip the shot (or nasal spray). This includes people with severe egg allergies.

Where can I get a flu vaccine?

Doctor’s offices, college health centers, clinics and pharmacies, including CVS, usually have both the flu shot and the nasal spray available. To find a facility in your area, use this vaccine locator.

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