Big/ Little season is coming upon us as some sororities do spring recruitment. Here are some things you shouldn't do during big/little season. Let's welcome our new sisters with loving arms and not stress them out more than necessary.
Little Claiming
I can not stress this enough, stop little claiming. The new members usually don't know this happens but it does. People will literally claim you and it's not cool. New members aren't objects that you can go around telling people "she's mine." Absolutely NOT. Give the members space and let them meet other girls! If they like you enough, they'll pick you.
Start Drama
OMG STOP. There is no need for "he said, she said" situations. No it doesn't matter if Becky wants Rachel as her little but Rachel wants Stacey. Let it go. It's none of your concern so just keep it that way. Not only can you hurt other peoples feelings by doing this, but you can also ruin potential friendships in the process.
Asking Other People Who They Want
That is literally NONE of your business. Yes, active members are definitely looking for potential littles but let's try and keep that to ourselves. We are also trying to really get to know the new members and help them get integrated into the chapter. Like I said before it can hurt other peoples feelings.
Be Fake
Do NOT put up a front. People can tell when you're being fake with them and I promise it doesn't work. Why would you want to start a friendship built on a lie of who you are? I'm a pretty quirky person most of the time and I made sure that the new members I met with knew that upfront and I still ended up getting a pretty great little. Trust the process, be real.
Stress Out
Active sisters and new members stop worrying so much. We put so much emphasis when it doesn't define your sorority experience. Bigs are your mentors and are here to help you through the new member process and so forth. Having a great big can definitely make your experience better but don't let it define your experience.
Joining a sorority is scary at first and it's important for us active sisters to really put ourselves in their shoes for a minute.