If you haven't heard Scotty McCreery's song, Five More Minutes, take a minute to do so here:
This song tells a story about times in McCreery's life that he wished he had five more minutes to do whatever he was doing.
There are many moments in a college girl's life that she wished she had 5 more minutes, and here are a few of them:
1. Sleeping in on a Monday
I value my sleep greatly, and wish I had five more minutes to sleep on the regular so that I don't have to wake up for class as early. The same goes for having to get up for work or other plans.
2. Turning an assignment in.
Sometimes you have an assignment you forgot, and you've got most of it done but then the turn in deadline is looming over your head. Or perhaps you didn't procrastinate, but it's the biggest project you've ever done and you HAVE to get everything just right in the short few minutes you have left. If you had five more minutes added, you'd be under a little less stress tweaking the last few things in the assignment.
3. Breaks
Whether it's winter break, spring break, the weekend, or just a few minutes in between classes, five more minutes would be ideal when you're having a great time hanging with family, friends, your significant other, or relaxing by yourself, not having to deal with responsibilities.
4. Date Night
If you're on a nice date with your significant other or a new special someone you're interested in, and you don't want to go home right away, you'll wish for five more minutes with this amazing person before you call it a night.
5. Studying on exam day
If you're like me, and sometimes procrastinate on studying, or if you have test anxiety, you'll want five more minutes to study for your exam so that you can pack in as much material as possible that you may have missed, or perhaps you just want to do a quick gloss over everything that you HAVE studied already. Either way, those five minutes would be great to make sure you know what you need to know.
6. Time Being a Kid
I had some great times as a kid, and there are a few that stick out to me, most of them happening in middle and high school. I may not want to go back for the full experience, but musical theater and chorus concerts are some of the things I miss most about being a kid. That and not having to pay bills!
7. Family Time
This one is perhaps most important. I lost my grandfather back in October 2015, and I wish I had five more minutes with him before he got sick, so that maybe that conversation would give me a chance to tell him how much I love him and to thank him for everything he'd ever done for me. I wish I had five more minutes to talk to him about anything, really, but that's what I'd need to tell him most. Those five minutes would have been a blessing, because I miss my Papaw so much. You should spend as much time as you can with the people you love, whether that's blood family or self-created family, because you never know when you might lose them.