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Health and Wellness

5 Fitness Classes To Take This School Year To Beat The Freshman 15

A quick and fun way to stay fit.

spin class

Had too many Margarita Mondays this summer? Don't worry!

At most colleges, they have fitness classes at the student recreation centers. These classes are cheaper than any fitness class you will ever take. There are so many options, from Hot Yoga to BodyPump, and you don't need any experience. The classes are only 2-3 days a week and they also offer once a week classes usually on the weekends. The classes are led by a certified instructor who went through the training and knows what they are doing. All the fitness class instructors are very helpful and will make sure you're doing the exercise the right way, so you can get the results you want. The fitness classes also come with all the equipment you need so all you have to do is get yourself there for a 30-minute, 45 minute, or hour class.

Fitness classes are so nice because you don't even have to think about it, the instructor tells you exactly what to do for how long and how many reps. All the classes also include a warm-up and a cooldown, and you can ask the instructor any questions or concerns you have. The great thing about a new semester starting is that many colleges have a back to school free fitness class week where many are free to try so you can test them out before you commit. Fitness classes are a great way to get back in shape, meet friends, and be more confident.

Here are five fitness classes you need to try this school year.

1. BodyPump

A fun and quick way to work out all your major muscle groups. BodyPump goes through 8 tracks with each track dedicated to a muscle group (legs, arms, back, etc.). This class is challenging, and you will be sore after your first class, but it burns so many calories in such a short time, the loud music and instructor will keep you on track and make it go by fast. BodyPump was created by Les Mills and it uses compound and isolation movements with an aerobic step, barbell, and weight plates. Try this and you will feel so accomplished after.

2. Hot Yoga

OK, I know Hot Yoga sounds scary at first, 50 minutes in a studio that is 90 degrees, yikes. But do not knock it until you try it! Hot Yoga is so good for your muscles and makes you more limber and flexible which is great for yoga movements. Yoga helps you get lean muscles and strong core strength, as well as increases your flexibility, breathing, and mental state.

3. Spin

Increase your cardiovascular fitness without running. Spin class has you do sprints, climbs and level rides while on a stationary bike. You control your bike, so you can go at your intensity level, but the instructor will keep you on track and get you pumped with loud music to keep you motivated.

4. Barre

Ballet and Pilates combined. Barre really focuses on core strength, balance, and hip and booty work. This class will really work your legs and target muscles you have never focused on before. This class will 100% leave your legs sore but think about how toned they will be!

5. Kickboxing

Unleash your anger and stress with this aerobic workout. Kickboxing classes use boxing gloves, heavy bags, mats, and dumbbells to create a muscle endurance and cardiovascular workout. Kickboxing works your entire body and the exercises are so fun to do.

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