1. Your friends ask you to go out with them, but you have to pretend to be a responsible student.
2. They convince you that you have plenty of time before you have to start studying. Why else would they give us a such a long study period?
3. You wake up the next morning and realize you actually have to start studying.
4. You open your notes and don't recognize a single thing you wrote down more than two weeks ago.
5. But you do your best to stay positive.
6. You run into someone who has been studying for three weeks.
7. You try to studying with your roommate.
8. You dream about therapy dogs.
9. You stare at the inside of the same library cubicle for what feels like days on end.
10. What you tell your parents...
11. ... as opposed to what you are actually feeling...
12. Someone tells you to take it easy on the coffee.
13. You have mid-study session thoughts of dropping out.
14. But...
15. Someone asks if you really think two days of studying was enough.
16. Pre-exam self affirmations.
17. You try to answer six essay questions in two hours.
18. A classmate asks how you think you did, immediately after you finish.
19. Finally, you leave for summer. We could all learn something from Florida Stanley.