Fear And Loathing In C-137
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Fear And Loathing In C-137

Insight Can Come From Many Different Sources... Though Knowledge can be a curse, as well as a blessing.

Fear And Loathing In C-137

Adult Swim is a late night network that airs shows like adult cartoons and comedy skits. Broadcasting from Cartoon Network, there is a major focus on cartoons and animation, however, Adult Swim likes to defy the conventional ideas on cartoons and who they appeal to.

Rick and Morty is a cartoon series that aired in December of 2013. It gained noticeable popularity between the beginning and end of the first season, picking up an extra one million viewers or so from the first to last aired episode. Besides the crude Back To The Future Vibe that this show carries, it also tantalizes the brain with thought provoking concepts. They explore infinite universes, experience alien integration and dabble with experimental technologies. Rick and Morty is at least an interesting watch.

Dependence on your sense of humor really dictates your attraction to this comedic series. Rick and Morty uses crude humor, violence, drug references, sexual innuendos and basically anything deemed unsuitable for children; but just like in life, if you can look past the darkness, you may see a light. And through the dark and unforgiving projection of this cartoon, there are quite a few instances that shed so much light. Collaboratively from season one and two, these are a handful of quotes that really are oddly insightful.

In the pilot episode, Morty is overwhelmed when visiting this new alien world. Rick stops him to try to redirect his feelings of fear and anxiety towards a more productive outlook.

"I know that new situations can be intimidating. You looking around and it's all scary and different, but y'know, meeting them head-on, charging into 'em like a bull... that's how we grow as people."

To grow as a person requires you to get out of your comfort zone. It's more beneficial to acknowledge fear and embrace its presence in personal growth. To be intimidated by what you don't understand is not only okay, it's normal.

In the episode "Rixty Minutes," Morty tries to calm Summer, his older sister, down and keep her from moving to the Southwest to potentially do something with turquoise. All happening after Summer discovers her parents almost had an abortion instead of keeping her.

"Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die...(Come watch TV)."

In spite of sounding like a surrender of defeat, Morty is trying to help summer realize the absurdity and indifference of the universe(s). Life is cruel and brutal, but it helps to take joy in the simple things that make people happy (like TV).

Throughout the series there are subtle and not so subtle hints to Rick's dance with addiction. His vices range from substances like alcohol to more obscure drugs like Kalaxian crystals. The party boy scientist is never without a good catchphrase.

"Wubba lubba dub dub!"

What you come to find out is that this one of Rick's catchphrases is actually a call for help. Bird Person, Rick's most notable acquaintance, actually shares knowledge of the meaning of this phrase, which is in his native language. The translation is "I am in great pain. Please help me."

Rick is a genius and with the gift of knowledge, and sometimes it's hard to keep from over analyzing. He often finds himself giving Morty life advice in particularly unconventional ways.

"What about the reality where Hitler cured cancer, Morty? The answer is: Don't think about it."

Simply put, Rick is just telling his grandson not to waste time or energy over thinking anything.

"Listen Morty, I hate to break it to you, but what people call 'love' is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it, your parents are going to do it. Break the cycle, Morty. Rise above. Focus on science."

Rick is obviously not the romantic, though it leaves room for the imagination to wander. Though this seems like a bleak and critical view of love, it actually is a plea to Morty to try and see love for what it is. It is one of the most common cycles we tend to fall blind to. Even with accessibility to unlimited information, we sometimes allow ourselves to fall victim to the chemical reactions unconsciously driving the conscious self.

With the series dangling an unofficial release date over season three of Rick and Morty, most fans are atwitter with anticipation. Though some sources are at least feeding us little clips of season three and mini-episodes, it's only exacerbating my excitement for the new season, which (spoiler alert) I read might take place in the Aloha State. The rumor is they want to travel to Hawai'i to explore Morty's "inner surfing freak."

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