Everyone has their favorite local spots that they love in their hometown. These could be famous staples that everyone knows about, or your little getaway when life was hitting you hard growing up. Since being away from home I never understood how important they were to me until I wasn't there. It doesn't matter if you live in Maine or California, everyone has their spot or multiple spots.
Here is a list of 10 places that you will stop at once you get home.
1. Your Favorite Local Restaurant(s)
This restaurant or restaurants always come through whenever you want to eat your favorite food(s). It always made everything to perfection, and nearly every person knows your name in there.
2. Coffee Shop
The place that you always can meet your friends, or a quite place to get work done.
3. High SchoolÂ
Going back to your local high school is always a positive walk down memory lane to see all your old teachers, and people that affected your life for the better.
4. Friends' HousesÂ
So many memories are there, and it's always so refreshing to see their faces and talk to people that you have grown up with.
5. Nature SpotsÂ
You know those places that whenever you get to them can make you so much happier and more relaxed? That's what I'm talking about.
6. Walking Around Your NeighborhoodÂ
Walking around your neighborhood is always fun, and you get to see a bunch of familiar faces.
7. Your BedÂ
Because what's better than that...
8. Your Local ChurchÂ
It is always nice to see your youth group and elders whenever you come back.
9. Grandparents' House
You know when you are going over something good is always waiting behind the door.
10. Top Of A Parking GarageÂ
The ultimate best view to watch fireworks, sunsets, and sun rises.