To Fail Is To Succeed
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To Fail Is To Succeed

Failure is our greatest teacher... so why are we terrified of it?

To Fail Is To Succeed

Atychiphobia. Definition; the extreme fear of failure. It's something most people have struggled with at some point in their lives, and it can prevent us from living up to our fullest potential as individuals. Scientists have studied the concept of this phobia for years in order to help us learn how to conquer our innate fear of failing, from identifying possible causes to recommending positive solutions for those with severe atychiphobia on coping. No one likes making mistakes. It's embarrassing and anxiety-inducing. We all want to be good at what we do. But what we often forget in our quest for success is that failure is our best teacher. Sure, we hear it over and over in school and at home, but seldom do we actually acknowledge and accept that failure is not only inevitable, but our greatest tool for progress.

Scientists seek to prove themselves wrong. It may seem contradictory, but it is how they can conduct accurate, unbiased experiments. They thrive on feedback to continue their research and alter their perspectives. However, the majority of regular people view feedback as negative and limiting. We don't want to be told we are wrong and we want to be correct 100% of the time. Not only is this impossible, but it prevents us from ever admitting to our mistakes and causes us to blame our failures on external factors, like the impact of other people, luck or even something as trivial as the weather. We will claim the task we sought to complete was far too challenging and unfair. If we succeed, however, we take credit for our efforts and talents. While it is perfectly okay to be proud of your achievements and hard work, constant success will not yield more than a temporary smile. Not everyone will continue to work hard if they have reached a goal, and it is unlikely that they will search for new goals. They'll be content with what they have earned and all too nervous to crawl out onto a different branch. If all you know is success, you'll be afraid to try new things or aim higher, and if you experience failure, it will feel devastating and you will not know how to cope with it.

"Successful" people are those who have failed at more things than they have succeeded at. They got knocked down, had their hearts broken and suffered through the pride-shattering embarrassment of being wrong countless times. These are the people who know that failure is a teacher. They learned from their mistakes. They learned how to do their jobs correctly. They found their strengths, weaknesses and talents. They are stronger, mentally, because they pushed through walls to overcome setbacks. It's too easy to shy away from defeat. Embracing failure, however, is probably the greatest success one could ever achieve in their life. Why? Because once you accept that failure is inevitable, you'll be more willing to face the possibility of being wrong or not achieving what you sought to gain and still be able to bounce back from rejection. Failing is succeeding because you can grow.

Your role models have failed. Your parents, grandparents, teachers, idols and friends have failed. Leaders fail. Undoubtedly, it is their failures that have shaped them into the strong-willed, moral people they are. Think of any famous person, be it a past president, your favorite Broadway star or an innovative scientist or engineer. They couldn't have gotten to where they were without experiencing setbacks and road blocks. Society places such a demand on perfection that we feel as though we are not allowed to try new things because we probably won't be good at them the first time around, and failure is not an option. We ultimately are losing out on valuable life experiences simply because of the expectations our culture places on us. Our culture is focused on output, rather than input. We do not have time to grow, to learn and adapt.

But nevertheless, failure is key to success. Whenever you think you cannot possibly go any further, take one more step. Anytime you want to turn around, stay standing and face forward. No matter how easy giving up would be, remember that persevering through challenges and learning from your mistakes will shape you into a brighter, stronger and- dare I say- a more successful person.

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