Explaining Gender
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Explaining Gender

A helpful graphic-guide to exploring the gender multiverse.

Explaining Gender

Recently (just this week, in fact), I came out publicly as non-binary. Given that our society is built upon the concept there is nothing but two binary genders (girl and boy) and that those genders almost always match someone’s genitals (vagina and penis, respectively), I spent a lot of time trying to figure out the least complicated way to explain my gender to people who may not be very knowledgeable on the subject. In doing this, I realized that there is very little information on this subject aimed towards people outside the queer community, and even less of it is presented in a way that is easily understood. So here is some gender graphics, followed by explanations of how they explain the gender spectrum!

(Note: I created many of these graphics in a not-so-great art program, so bear with me! Images taken from various websites are sourced appropriately and noted as not being mine.)

This is the standard and accepted concept of gender

There is male, and there is female. They do not connect or have any overlap, a person can be one or the other and that is all. Of course, we know this not to be true, but this is still a very popular view in western society. This graphic doesn't include any sort of non-binary person, so it's not very inclusive.

Another way to think about gender would be as a spectrum with male on one side and female on the other, like so:

This graphic is more inclusive, because it includes genders other than male and female, but still not the best. This graphic suggests that non-binary people must feel some pull towards the "male" side of the spectrum and that "genderqueer" individuals are closer to the "female" side. It makes it appear as if every gender is on a spectrum from male to female, while this is simply not so. Some people feel agender (not connected to any gender at all) or like a third, different gender entirely. That brings us to our next graphic...

Spectrum sets! These sets allow people to plot how closely the do or do not relate to a gender identity:

Individuals can mark how much or how little of a gender they feel. For example, a cisgendered female's spectrum might look like this:

While mine personally looks a bit more like this:

This graphic is better, but still not the best because it can make it hard for gender fluid people (folks who have a gender that shifts or changes) to explain themselves.

The following two graphics, while not absolutely perfect, are the best, most varied options in my opinion. First, there is this Venn Diagram:

(For clarity, the smaller portions are marked with colored stars and listed below)

BLACK STAR- Feminine agender fluid and/or uncertain, genderqueer

RED STAR- Genderfluid agender (emphasis on genderfluidity)

YELLOW STAR- Masculine agender fluid and/or uncertain, genderqueer

PURPLE STAR- Agender genderfluid (emphasis on agender identity)

WHITE STAR- Uncertain and/or all

If someone identified as a third gender that isn't depicted, they would be outside the Venn diagram

(Venn diagram graphic from here, original graphic here, remade for clarity)

Another very popular and inclusive graphic of gender identities is the color wheel model.

(Original here)

This model shows how diverse gender can be, and how there can be subtle variations from person to person. People can mark multiple spots, draw arrows, and identify colors that they connect with.

There are a variety of gender graphics to be found, if you know where to look online. I've listed some of the more popular ones, but if you don't connect with any of them, that's okay! Find another, make your own, do whatever you have to to express yourself!

These graphics can help people who are binary genders relate and understand non-binary genders a bit more, but here is something to keep in mind. No person owes you an explanation on their gender. If someone wants to explain their gender, they will find a way, but it is not your place to try and force them no matter what the nature of your relationship is. Queer individuals do not need to justify their existence in this heterocisnormative world for the comfort of others. The first step to creating equality is to create visibility and acknowledge that these genders exist and are completely valid.

Remember, no matter how you identify, no matter how simple or complex it is, you are valid. Always.

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