22 Things You Become An Expert On When You're Procrastinating
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22 Things You Become An Expert On When You're Procrastinating

From actually making your bed for the first time to getting ahead on another class's homework, I present to you a fraction of the topics you're probably an expert in already.

22 Things You Become An Expert On When You're Procrastinating

1. The history of the English language.

Or at least some random facts about it.

2. Every single time that Benedict Cumberbatch has appeared on the Graham Norton Show and the facts he shared.

via">https://giphy.com/gifs/show-mybc-OUploqqcnyIsE">vi... GIPHY

3. The technical terms of how to draw and do art things.

Even if you can’t actually execute the skills.

4. The fantasy world of Flow by Honey B

Honestly check it out on Webtoons even if you’re not procrastinating; this comic is amazing.

5. The sped up Tasty version of how to make pretty much any kind of food.

via">https://giphy.com/gifs/i-love-pizza-is-life-pizzap... GIPHY

Because let’s be real, Tasty doesn’t actually teach you how to make food, it just taunts you with easy looking recipes that you give up halfway through if you ever actually build up enough motivation to try it.

6. The lyrics to P!nk’s entire discography, her back story, and current news.

7. How to separate the tabs open on your web browser into different windows so that you don’t have a nervous breakdown looking at 41 tabs for 7 different projects and instead of have to click through 10 different windows just to find the one you’re looking for (the one that’s due first).

That math didn’t make sense, but then again, nothing makes sense when you’re procrastinating.

8. Orangutan behavior, morphology, and habitats.

Yes, ANTH143, I’m talking about your Evolve a Primate project right now.

9. The location of all those leftovers that you could never find when you’re starving but all of sudden have shown up, and would you look at the time, it sounds like a good time for a late night snack.

10. The theory behind liars, how to spot them, and how to confuse people how to spot them.

All those detective shows you’re binging on Netflix and Amazon Prime have to be good for something.

11. Calligraphy, but specifically, the calligraphy you do on your own arms.

Or alternatively doodling which spreads across your entire notes and obscures the actual information.

12. Bending in all four elements.

You'd basically be the avatar with how long you have avoided your responsibilities.

13. Science. Every scientific subject.

via">https://giphy.com/gifs/site9gagcom-BLTS8Dz5exZiU">... GIPHY

I mean ASAP Science, Crash Course, and Bozeman Science just make it so easy…and fun! No? Just me? Okay, never mind.

14. Finding small spaces to panic in because you know that the deadline is coming up in 2 hours but you haven’t concentrated enough to even start yet.

Personally, I suggest under the stairs…it’s quite a comfy spot to fit into.

15. Dancing, the intricacies of choreographing, and how to choose the perfect song to go along with those sweet, sweet moves.

via">https://giphy.com/gifs/dances-jLzhE9Z5HQOxa">via GIPHY

Well, in theory at least. I mean the videos make the moves look so easy, right?

16. The fastest way to solve rubrics cubes.

via">https://giphy.com/gifs/cube-solving-cubecube-g66LU... GIPHY

I mean, now’s as good a time as any, right?

17. Organization.

New lists where you can cross out everything you’ve done in the day? Yes please! Cleaning up that cluttered gmail inbox with 10 million new labels? Don’t even sweat it!

18. The best paths to take long walks on campus.

Because sometimes you just need a breather, never mind that your project is due in 3 hours.

19. Writing Odyssey articles.

Or anything else, really.

20. Bonus hypochondriac area of expertise: Every single illness that you maybe, might have.

I mean, my slightly stuffed nose isn’t just from allergies, right? I have the plague; I just know it.

22. Bonus nerd point: every single canon detail of Harry Potter and which facts are canon and which are fanon.

via">https://giphy.com/gifs/hermione-granger-nZ9XrstxrY... GIPHY

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