Why You Should Be Excited for Captain America: Civil War
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Why You Should Be Excited for Captain America: Civil War

Are you Team Captain or Team Iron Man?

Why You Should Be Excited for Captain America: Civil War

If you've been on any form of social media in the past week, you've seen the words "Civil War" and "Marvel" at least 10 times, and if you're like me then you've seen the trailer 10 times more than that. Also, if you're like me, then you are 100 percent Team Captain (as you should be).

The release of "Captain America: Civil War" is only two months away and the latest trailer has brought the level of hype to infinity and beyond. And if you aren't super excited about this movie, than you're living under a web of lies and this article will shield you from your own lies.

Spoilers will be brought up in this article, both from the movies and comics. So please, read at your own risk.

1. The Sokovia Accords

These documents are one of the catalyst for the entire Cap/Iron Man conflict. The Sokovia Accords will allow the government to keep the Avengers [past and present] in check, and not giving them the freedom they've had in past movies.

In the comics, there was a major catastrophe involving the death of a bunch of children which resulted in the government feeling the need to step in. The government made the Superhero Registration Acts, which required superheroes to register their true identities with the government (and unfortunately, secret identities don't exist in the movie-verse). This is different than the movies when Ultron's attack caused major damage and deaths within the country is one of the major pushes for this document (and another event has been rumored to transpire).


"[Bucky] Do you remember me?"
"I remember your mom.

Bucky Barnes (aka The Winter Solider) has consistently been given the bad end of the stick. He was thrown off a train, presumed dead, frozen throughout time, forced to murder people and fight his best friend, THROWN FROM A PLANE, locked up again, possibly been accused of hurting more people, and is now being beaten up by EVERYONE in the trailer.

Aside from his bad luck, Bucky is a important person who you should be excited to see. He's one tough cookie who has been through a lot, and he's RUTHLESS! Did you see what he nearly did to Tony?

Don't worry, Tony. He's a terrible assassin.

3. The Raft.

Little big for a raft, right?

It was shown briefly in the trailer, and we don't know much about it other than it's comic background. In the comics, The Raft is a prison facility in New York that has held many super villains. One possibility is that the Raft could be a possibly threat for the Avengers if they ever decided to go AWOL or get out of line. We don't know much about it in the movie-verse, but I'm excited to see how it fits into the plot of the movie.


Many people don't know who Crossbones is, which may or may not be a good thing. Located in some recent footage, we don't know the exact role of Crossbones but many speculate he's another push towards the Sokovia Accords. Brock Rumlow, is the name of Crossbones, who we met in Captain America: The Winter Solider. Now he's back, and his evil deeds clearly aren't finished as his new costume proves that.

5. QUICKSILV-...[Ohh..]

Wanda Maximoff did not start off on good footing in the last Avengers movie. Her home was destroyed, her brother was killed, and she went into the Avengers hating Tony Stark (which makes sense for her being on Cap's side). She's one powerful person, and she must be incredibly powerful if she's able to stop Vision.

Speaking of Vision, he hasn't been featured much in the trailers, but we know he's going to be getting more screen time as he's an important character. The two of these characters have been New Avengers for an apparent year, which has to be hard on the both of them having to fight against one another (as Vision is on Iron Man's side). Also, funny enough, these two were married at some point in time in the comics and a relationship between the two has been hinted at in many cases.

6. General Ross....

Don't trust this man, whatever the movie may lead you to believe, DON'T TRUST HIM.

This is General Ross, who was in The Incredible Hulk (2008). If you didn't hate him then (or forgot who he is), than you may hate him now. He has been promoted to Secretary of State, and really wants the government to be in control of the Avengers. He's the man who has this obsessive compulsion to get rid of Bruce Banner and the Hulk (may I remind you that he's the reason Bruce Banner was exposed to gamma radiation). Ross also becomes a red version of the thing he hates the most and helps create...doesn't make any sense, right?

7. T'-freaking-challa

AKA Black Panther. We have been waiting for this character for quite a long time, and the trailer shows just how much of a badass he really is.

Black Panther (T'challa) is from the the country of Wakanda, and in the comics (presumably the movie) he's the leader of. This country is extremely wealthy and is the main source of Vibranium (the song material that Cap's shield is made from). We don't know his exact motive for being on Team Tony, but we know he has this personal conflict against Bucky (as he's seen fighting Bucky and knocking him to the ground several times throughout the trailer). He'll be an excellent character in the movie, and hopefully his future solo-movie will allow him to truly shine.

After all, he's not playing games.

8. Captain America: Everyone Hit Bucky8. Ant man + THIS SCENE!

Marvel successfully managed to hide Scott Lang (Ant man) from early trailers and it was announced at the end of Scott's solo movie that he would be in the newest movie. It makes sense that Scott would be Team Cap, and we are all excited to see how well he plays in the Shield vs Iron Fued.

This scene has caused a lot of excitement within fans as it's straight out of the comic with Ant Man riding on Hawkeye's arrow and causing some major damage. Don't Hawks usually eat insects?

9. Iron Man...

In the comic version of Civil War, Iron Man was clearly the villain. His means were justified in the beginning, but this conflict evolved into a more personal one (which seems to be the route the movie Civil War is going).

Tony has seen many people die as a result of his actions along with many of the Avengers, which is why he believes they need someone to keep them in check and have a decision in their actions. The movie will attempt to justify his actions and allow the viewers to see that both sides aren't *good* or *evil* , but I don't believe it.

On the more positive note...Tony's new suit looks really cool. Maybe Rhodey will get a long enough chance to enjoy i-...


10. CAP.

Steve Rogers has been through a lot throughout the Marvel series. Most of the people that he started off caring about and having a huge amount of respect for is either dead...crazy..or corrupt. He thought the government was something he could trust, and now he's being forced to fight against the government..the second time now.

Steve is the leader of his own side, which is the RIGHT side. How do you expect the Avengers to be given permission and orders when these situations arise. Are you getting killed by aliens? Well, you'll have to wait to be saved because the Avengers will need PERMISSION to save you.

#TeamCap .

11. Black Widow.

Alright, you probably didn't expect this gal to be mentioned but her role interests me. Natasha is a big friend of Captain America, and it's odd that she's on Team Iron Man. For most of her life, Natasha has been a spy that has been forced to fight for one side or had her side picked for her. Now she's in a situation where she HAS to pick a side with two guys who are her good friends...and she's also fighting against her really good friend Hawkeye.


No explanation is needed.



Peter Parker has finally arrived in the movie-verse, and a lot of us never thought we would see this coming this time soon. Marvel managed to break the internet with this reveal after an already amazing trailer, and we hope that the web-slinger's role is as vital as it is in the comic book.

The Spidey you are seeing now is much younger and will hopefully be that bridge that we've all been waiting for between Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield. Apparently the actor, Tom Holland, was born to be Spiderman , and we really want this to come true.

I know this article was long, but I'm really excited for this movie, and I hope you are even more excited now that this article has been written.

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