Hosea is a book from the Old Testament that talks about a women named Gomer, a man named Hosea, and a strange marriage. Hosea starts off as a typical man until he hears God tell him to marry a prostitute named Gomer. Hosea, though reluctant, marries this prostitute out of obedience to God. This woman cheats on him, runs from him, and is everything that a wife should not be. She ran to a life that she was comfortable with and away from the life she didn’t think she was good enough to live in. Hosea was frustrated and thought he had made a horrible decision by marrying her. He kept asking God why He encouraged this marriage when it causes such struggle. But the Lord told Hosea to be patient. Once again, Hosea obeyed Him and showed Gomer an abundance of love and compassion. When she ran from him, he ran to her. When she cheated on him, he forgave her. When she turned away from him, he opened his arms to her.
At first when I read this story, I didn’t think I could relate to Gomer. I’m not a prostitute, so how does this even apply to me?
I began to understand that I am Gomer. I run away from situations that are uncomfortable because I am scared, or because I feel unworthy. I run from God when I think I sin ‘too bad’, and I run away from reality when I feel as if I can’t take it anymore. Every woman needs a man like Hosea to tell them that they don’t need to run. That they are beautiful, amazing, and bold right where they are. We need reminded that these uncomfortable situations make us grow and that there is never a sin too big for God to stop loving us abundantly. We need reminded that we are strong, and are able to handle anything that comes our way. Most of all, we need a man that listens to God and puts Him first, even if that means a life that is unpredictable. Hosea showed Gomer just how much God loves her through his actions, which is what she needed all along.
You deserve unconditional love, encouragement, faithfulness, and forgiveness. You deserve a man like Hosea. Don’t settle for less.