17 Early-2000s Pop Songs Every 90s Kid Will Love
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17 Early-2000s Pop Songs Every 90s Kid Will Love

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17 Early-2000s Pop Songs Every 90s Kid Will Love
The Telegraph

The 2000s were a magical time for many reasons. During that decade we met Lizzie McGuire, American Idol changed the way we find music superstars, and "She doesn't go here" helped Mean Girls achieve legend status. Pop music hit a peak during this decade. Here are 17 songs that will send you right back listening to your walkman in middle school.

17. "So Yesterday"- Hillary Duff

Hillary Duff was the quintessential teen celebrity in the 2000s. She was a television star, a movie star, and with "So Yesterday" she became a pop star. I dare you to not sing along while listening to this song.

16. "1, 2 Step"- Ciara featuring Missy Elliott

I have a very vivid memory of my teachers turning this song off at my middle school dance. Apparently, they did not think it was appropriate. Regardless, it remains an ultimate banger in 2016.

16. "Pieces of Me"- Ashlee Simpson

I didn't just love Ashlee Simpson. I worshipped her. I was obsessed with her MTV reality show and I bought her debut album the day it came out. This song was one of my favorite songs and I still know every single word. Let's not talk about her SNL lip-synching scandal, though.

15. "He Said, She Said"- Ashley Tisdale

Ashley Tisdale was so ahead of her time with this song. If she released this in 2016, it would be an instant smash. Next time you have the aux chord in the car, turn this song on, everyone will know every word. Trust me.

14. "Sugar, We're Going Down"- Fallout Boy

Fallout Boy is a band that has shown amazing staying power. They still put out hit singles and release successful albums. "Sugar, We're Going Down" brings me right back to middle school dances. An amazingly catchy, fun song that holds up 11 years later.

13. "7 Things"- Miley Cyrus

This song came at the height of Miley's Disney Channel takeover. You would see a 30 second clip of the music video during every commercial break of whatever episode of Phil From The Future that you were watching.

12. "Cry Me A River"- Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake is more than a pop star, he is a superstar. "Cry Me A River" is the song that launched his solo career. The song and music video were clearly inspired by his break-up with Britney Spears. In the video, he follows a Britney look alike. This song, coupled with his controversial Super Bowl performance, helped create one of the biggest stars of our time.

11. "Girlfriend"- Avril Lavigne

"Girlfriend" is everything a pop song should be. It's catchy, it's light, and it is so easy to sing-along to. The music video is legendary, I remember everyone in middle school learning the dance in the music video.

10. "Leave (Get Out)"- Jojo

It was really hard for me to not include 5 Jojo songs on this list. I decided to narrow it down to two songs. "Leave (Get Out)" was her debut single and she took the world by storm. Jojo has been stuck in a legal battle with her old label, but she is now working on her newest album. She'll make the comeback and, hopefully, have the long career that she deserves.

9. "Chemicals React"- Aly & AJ

"Potential Break-Up Song" is Aly & AJ's most popular song, but "Chemicals React" is their best song by a mile. This is another song to put on next time you get the aux cord just make sure the volume is turned up all the way.

8. "Rumors"- Lindsay LohanIn the 2000s, everyone had the chance to be a pop star. Lindsay Lohan took full advantage of this by releasing this anthem. LiLo, unlike most teen pop stars at the time, used her personal life as inspiration for her music. Also, we need to remember her ICONIC New Year's Eve performance in 2005.

7. "Wake Up"- Hillary Duff

This is Hillary's second appearance on the list, and it isn't her last. Hillary had a knack for releasing a flawless pop song. Also, can we please talk about all of her wigs?

6. "Too Little Too Late"- Jojo

I had a hard time deciding which Jojo song I liked better, I put a poll on my Twitter page to help me decide. The people have spoken and "Too Little Too Late" is the winner. All of her songs are pop gems, but the key change in "Too Little Too Late" sends me flying.

5. "Thunder"- Boys Like Girls

"Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer" was in my AIM profile for the longest time. Tell me one person who didn't have this as their MySpace song. Who knows what became of Boys Like Girls, but they gave us this classic, and that is all that truly matters.

4. "Misery Business"- Paramore

Hayley. Freaking. Williams. That's all. Hayley has one of the best voices I've ever heard and this is one of my all-time favorite songs. Paramore has continued to slay 9 years after this song was released.

3. "Come Clean"- Hillary Duff

Suddenly Hillary Duff got philosophical. "Trying to fit a square into a circle was my life." Deep stuff, Ms. Duff. "Come Clean" is even more iconic because it was the theme song for Laguna Beach. This is another song that you have to put on when you get the aux cord and turn the volume up all the way. That's just a fact of life.

2. "Since U Been Gone"- Kelly Clarkson

The ultimate break-up anthem. Kelly Clarkson is, in my opinion, one of the best vocalists of our generation. This song also has one of the best key changes in modern music. "Since U Been Gone" is going to be a classic song. It isn't just one of the best pop songs of the 2000s, it is one of the best songs from that decade.

1. "Me & U"- Cassie

Don't even try to tell me that this isn't one of the most iconic songs and music videos of all time. The harmony part of this song is what makes it stand out, in my opinion. Cassie deserved a huge career and we didn't give it to her. Listen to this song, watch this video. Like really, why is Meghan Trainor a Grammy winner while Cassie hasn't been as successful as she could have been?

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