5 Tips For The 'Wanna-Be Enterprising Business Student' | The Odyssey Online
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5 Tips For The 'Wanna-Be Enterprising Business Student'

Listen up business students.

5 Tips For The 'Wanna-Be Enterprising Business Student'
Photo by Emma Dau on Unsplash

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Here's your problem: You're stuck in a rut, intimidated by the tough competition of other students, and probably party too much. You need help and don't know where to start.

You're thinking, how the hell is Drew part of the water polo team, in Student Government, on the marketing committee for three business clubs, has a girlfriend and numerous healthy friendships, not to mention an amazing likable personality?

Drew optimizes his time and shoots for the stars. You can too. Let's be honest, even if you have perfect attendance and straight A's for every class, it's no cause for a celebration, and here's why: Education does not stop after college, and classes are not the be-all and end-all during your time there. Self-development is important. It shows people around you and potential employers that you're so motivated to succeed that you take your free time outside of class to do things to better yourself and bask in the extensive knowledge the world has to offer. It's a great quality to have, but it takes a strong will and desires to learn.

These tips aren't for the weakhearted. They're easy to do but even harder to be consistent with. Consistency is key. Imagine our guy Drew from above. Be like Drew. He probably has an herb garden and uses Duo Lingo daily to learn Swahili. He has no more free time that you do in a day, even less, but he accounts for every second and gives it a purpose.

Test yourself on consistency with this little trick: After going to the dentist, you floss for a couple of weeks. You no longer floss. Does this sound familiar? You need some consistency, sis.

Start here:

1. Put Yourself First.

Take time aside from schoolwork for yourself. You should always be reading a book. Read a variety of business, self-help, novels, and love stories if you're so inclined. Frequent readers become better writers. Vocabulary increases, perspectives change, and overall, you grow as a person. What else is there to do? Meditate. It takes as little as five minutes and there are many guided meditation apps like "Headspace" and videos on YouTube. Basically, make time for what you love. It will ground you and give you a reason to keep sailing along when sanity goes overboard, and chaos has taken over the ship.

2. Listen To Podcasts.

There are news, comedy, financial and business-centric ones! A podcast is an excellent form of entertainment and news because it doesn't require too much attention and is socially acceptable. People always have their headphones in walking around campus, doing schoolwork, and at the gym. Music is amazing and preferable at times, but no one can deny the versatility of a podcast. You cannot walk around campus holding a giant newspaper. Or even skate between classes reading a book or an article on your phone. These things require your eyes and coordination to walk. The perfect thing about a podcast is that you only need your hearing. "Kwik Brain," "How I Built This with Guy Raz," "Planet Money" and "Stuff You Should Know" are some inspiring, helpful, and interesting business shows. Give them a listen and you'll be recommending them to your friends as well.

3. Join Some Clubs.

Go to ASU's passport and i-week (Involvement week) at the beginning of each semester. There are incredible business clubs and non-business clubs that are so worth joining. Yes, a business club will 100% help with professional development and will expose you to concepts you've never known about. There are major-specific ones such as Business in Fashion, Financial Management Association, Investment Bankers Consulting Club and more! It's a known fact that people get jobs based on who they know in a company, so it's crucial to put yourself out there for your sake. You have nothing to lose. Come prepared for meetings with paper to take notes and network with other members and presenting companies. The company representative for a company you admire may be charmed by your charisma, and next thing you know, you have a summer internship. I don't make the rules, but this happens all the time, so you should play the game.

4. Read The News.

Keep up with current events that apply to what you're interested in and your major. It adds a real-world application to what you're doing in class when you know the trending topics out there. This point goes hand in hand with listening to podcasts. Just stay informed, OK? When someone asks you what you think about driverless cars and Lyft's IPO, you'll know what to say and impress them with an answer like, "Yikes, they had over $1 B in net losses next year. Is this company even profitable long-term?" Then the next thing you know, you're in a conversation about current events. If you get lost, ask questions or sneak away to the bathroom to skim an article and come back ready to contribute and better than ever.

5. Learn From Others.

Each person on this planet has something to teach you. Everyone given their circumstances has a different perspective on the world, various talents, and a wealth of information. Listen, but be vary as not everyone has your best interest in mind.

It is now time for you to go forth and live by these tips. Be enterprising, be bold, take risks and whenever you feel lost, remember these things to lift you back on track towards your incredible future.

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