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Politics and Activism


A quick glimpse into why I'm sickened and disgusted by this election already.

The Common Sense Show

If I had a nickel for every article, video, or any other form of digital or printed media; I think I would surely become a billionaire. While most presidential elections are usually the talk of the town when they come about, this one has garnered quite a great amount of attention. While I mostly write about politics, I am absolutely sick and tired of this election. Here is a not-so-brief explanation as to why I am sickened by this terrible election.

First off, I am absolutely horrified at how dirty of a campaign both sides have run. Never before have I seen such a sequence of slander, or a such a batter of smearing. Trump’s side has constantly been harassing Clinton’s side over the whole debacle over the e-mails and Benghazi incident. Clinton’s side constantly has the media at her feet and able to smear Trump at any possible time. I truly do not expect anything benevolent to come out of either of their presidencies.

We have our main candidates persistently smearing one another’s name in hopes that the population will pick one over the other solely based on how not terrible they are. Instead of the populace voting on whether or not a candidate is truly the right man or woman for the job, we want the lesser of two evils.

This brings me to the next point of how this election shows that the American people are at fault for this. We are all so blind to fact and truth that we narrowed down our possible leader for the next four years to these two disgraceful candidates. What about third-party candidates? I will give you the same response that most voters will reply with when inquired about that. What third-parties? They have been almost silent, and the American voting population has not put in any effort to support any of them. We literally are stuck with either of the two main candidates. Had our voters been more informed and actually gained some veritable insight concerning politics, they would have surely picked more suitable candidates.

I am also sick at how the population has torn itself into pieces concerning the election. It seems that we cannot coexist as Americans. Everyone has to identify with a separate group and it is absolutely redundant when what we need as a people is unity. We are all at fault when it comes to this. We also cannot tolerate anything that another proposes that is different to what we think without being labeled a bigot or ignorant. It is a travesty that opinions are shattering the communion that we once had as a people, and we are left in shambles. God forbid you support one candidate when talking to a supporter of another. They will try to vilify you as much as they can. Little do people know that it is different views that help build a new and unified idea.

The last reason that this election is such a vile and pestilent heap of trash is that it is the only election people actually care about. Most people are so ignorant when it comes to local or gubernatorial elections, or even Congressional elections. This is all people care about. It shows that people still have a peasant mentality, in which they must have a monarch in power dictating what they should do. Our forefathers did not have that in mind at all. They wanted a way for the people to elect local politicians to be delegates for their home state, city, county, etc. so that they may be treated fairly. This was due to the awful tyranny experienced by our ancestors, yet we want another tyrant it seems. We crave it, and it is absolutely shameful on our part.

I wish all of us luck during these coming four years, as it will most likely be filled with dread and tyranny imposed on us by any of the sides. I hope that we can eventually unite under one flag and swear by the Constitution, as a singular entity: the American people.

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