8 Big Struggles Big-Busted Girls Bear
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8 Big Struggles Big-Busted Girls Bear

Big boobs = big problems.

8 Big Struggles Big-Busted Girls Bear
E! Entertainment

Now, I know I'm not the first one to come up with a list of issues every girl who's got big melons has. I just feel that the problems us "top heavy" girls face NEED to be discussed more often than they are. Not for "bragging" reasons, but so that everyone who says, "Oh my gosh, I wish I had your boobs" can understand just how much of a pain in the @$$ they really are.

1. Boob sweat.

It's gross I know, and I know no one likes talking about it but it happens. A lot. You take a shower, get all nice and clean, go out on a warm day and BAM — boob sweat. It's almost instant.They're gasping for air wondering why the heck you're suffocating them. A trip to the bathroom to cool them off it is.

2. Swimsuits.

I could rant all day about this. Why, WHY do stores not carry swimsuit sizes big enough for girls with grapefruit-sized boobs. I want to be able to go to Target when they put all their new two-pieces out and just buy the first top I find. I don't want to have to try on six different tops, all of which are the same size and have them all fit differently yet none work. I want to be able to spend $20 on a top, not have to go to Everything But Water where I'm forced to pay $90 for a top (even though they do usually actually fit and hold all my goods in place while I'm swimming).

3. Bras.

We'll start off with regular bras. Not even strapless cause those get their own rant. Bras will never be fun to buy. Ever. Never ever. I remember in high school when my girlfriends would talk about their matching bra and underwear and I was wondering "how the heck do y'all find matching tops and bottoms?!" Little did younger Storm know, they don't make cute affordable bras that have matching panties unless you go with a basic, boring, bland color. Oh and on the affordable subject... want to take advantage of Victoria's Secret 2 for $49.50 deal? TOO BAD. Chances are, they'll carry your size online. But it will either be push up, too small, or you'll have major side boob. Bras cost $50 MINIMUM for me...*rolls eyes*


Strapless anything is just a no. Bras, shirts, dresses, yeah never a good idea. For big chested girls, strapless bras seem to run like 3 sizes smaller than what you wear in a normal bra. Not to mention, finding a strapless bra even CLOSE to your size is nearly impossible. Like yeah, I get that I probably shouldn't be wearing something strapless anyways but dangit, I want to take advantage of cute trends like the sleeve hanging off your shoulder or the cute "strapless" off shoulder blouses. I don't get to do that because even if I do find a strapless bra, chances are it's gonna cost ten times more than the number of uses it's going to be used.

5. Back pain.

It's not a joke when we say we get the worst back and shoulder pain. Not only do we already have back pain from our bad posture due to being weighed down, but we also deal with the pain we get in our shoulders from where the straps are digging trenches. I almost have a hunch from slouching so much over the years. I feel the need to pop/stretch my back at least ten times a day. I even get back pain from thinking about getting back pain — that's how bad it is.

6. Braless "freedom"

That is no such thing. There is no "freedom" that comes from releasing two 5-8 pounders. I never think, 'oh, I can't wait to get home and take my bra off to release these babies.' No, I cry at the thought of taking my bra off for a shower. I could never "free the nip" out in public without crying after walking 10 feet.

7. Big boobs = no cute tops.

I don't completely mean that. There are cute tops, or maybe I've just come accustom to what I've had to settle for. Crop tops rarely look cute because they turn from a crop top to a boob sock. All the fabric for the "crop" gets used to cover all the "top," if you know what I mean. Tight fitting shirts become a major attention feeder. And any type of writing across the chest is just a HUGE no no.

8. Cross-body purses

Those are basically a call for attention... The strap basically 'parts the Red Sea,' if you catch my drift. Do I have a crossbody purse though? Guilty... But I mean, they're small and perfect for the summer, I just hate how much attention it brings to my upper region when I wear it... Oh, and seat belts — seat belts don't just comfortably go across your chest. Half of the time, a seat belt kind of just takes over one of your boobs, not your entire chest. But hey, at least you do have two airbags!!

I know there are many more reasons to despise having a big bust. And all of us busty girls know the struggle. At the end of the day though, all I ask is that bra/swimsuit companies decrease the prices of their bras/tops! PLEASE, I'm begging!!!

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