Football. The all-American sport. If you are like me, it makes no sense to you. Seriously, why do people enjoy it so much? All I see are a bunch of grown sweaty men beating the crap out of each other for an oddly shaped ball. Granted, that being said, countless people all over the country watch it so there must be some desire and enjoyment behind it that I'm clearly missing.
1. For starters, you just can't wrap your head around why the game is so popular.
Like seriously?! Do people find it fun to chase a ball and tackle people?
2. You dread it when people ask you to talk about/watch/play football.
The answer is no, no, and no.
3. People assume you're clueless just because you don't like it.
Let's get this straight. I said I didn't like football. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you know nothing about it. In fact, I understand football for the most part (minus some of the technical terms) which is why I don't like it.
4. You get a little shocked at how emotional people get over their favorite team.
Okay...maybe you do the same thing if you think about it. For example, I may get too into the relationships between the main characters in my favorite TV show.
5. Just because you don't like football, people assume you don't like sports in general.
Come on people! Just because I'm part of the small percentage of football haters doesn't mean I'm a sports hater. I actually enjoy playing plenty of sports. Football just does not happen to be on that list.
6. You probably just go to Super Bowl parties for the food, to watch the halftime show, or just to hang out with friends.
Did you actually think we would come to a party to solely watch football?
7. When you meet someone who also shares a mutual dislike for football, you automatically become best friends.
Us anti-football people have got to stick together you know.
If nothing else, I hope you can get a few laughs from this.