Mom is expecting you to show up at home with a fistful of flowers, but you’re up to your eyebrows studying for your chemistry final. How are we supposed to handle Mother’s Day long distance?No worries. I have compiled a few tips that can make gift giving simple for moms of all kinds.Sporty Mom. This gal wakes up
after a night out in the city and runs 10 miles while still managing to
maintain supermom mode. For this one of
a kind lady, you need to think practical and functional. If you have deep pockets, get online and
ship some Lululemon running pants or a cute headband. Gifting Lulu might break the bank, but the
payoff is that you’ll quickly become the favorite child in her
heart. Maybe resist one or two late
night Antonio runs to save up.
Chocaholic Mom. How much easier can it be than arranging for
delivery of a few pounds of Fannie May chocolates? Warning: by the time you finish finals and
show up at home, she may be cranky due to the extra pounds that serve as a
reminder of your very thoughtful, high calorie gift. While chocolate is an easy choice, beware.
Aging Sorority Girl Mom. Ever wonder if the best day of her life was
her own bid day multiple decades ago, instead of the day you were born? Bring back the good memories for her by
updating her Greek wardrobe with a quick trip to Tee Shurt. Send
her a noodie or maybe a coffee mug emblazoned with her Greek letters. You do know her sorority right? Both are guaranteed to transport her back to the wild, happy and
carefree days before you were born. Maybe
even throw together a basket with a neon frat tank and a hot pair of running
shorts – letters on the backside optional – to make her feel young again.
Pet Lover Mom. You know that cute pup you fell in love
with last week at the Humane Society? Now’s the time to go for it. Tell Mom you wanted to give her a furry,
four-legged friend to cuddle while you are away at the U of I, working hard to
pursue your degree. You might even want
to throw in a doggie stroller to appeal to her inner mommy.
Traveler Mom. Summer (otherwise known as vacay season) is right around the corner. Make sure
that any long hours she plans to spend on an airplane will fly by for her by
gifting her with a cushy neck pillow, comforting eye mask and a snuggly, rollable
micro-fleece blankie so she has sweet dreams on her next trip. Maybe she’ll even take you along.
Illini Alum Mom. If your girl is anything like my mom, she is
likely to still be craving the good ol’ Papa Del’s pizza. Send a sweet, “I owe you,” text on Mother’s Day
and make sure she knows you’ll be bringing her a frozen pizza, with her choice
of toppings, when you arrive home after finals.
Gifting dilemma solved.
Now, get back to the books because you know that the second most
important gift your mom wants is for you to graduate, which will lead you to
the gift she wants most of all: for you to find a good job.
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8 Stereotypes Sorority Girls Are Tired Of Hearing
We don't buy into these... just like how we don't buy our friends.
Verge Campus
Being a part of any organization undoubtedly comes with the pitfalls of being grouped into negative stereotypes, and sororities are certainly no exception. Here are the top few things, that I find at least, are some of the most irritating misconceptions that find their way into numerous conversations...
8. "The whole philanthropy thing isn't real, right?"
Well all those fundraisers and marketing should would be a waste then wouldn't they?
7. "I don't need to buy my friends."
I'm not quite sure where the "buy your friends" stigma originated, considering that every single club on a college campus also has dues to be paid...
6. "Oh, so I'll bet you love to drink."
The plus side of having a large chapter is that there truly is every type of person, some who drink, and others who don't...
5. "Can you tell me some of your secrets?"
Not really how this works, sorry...
4. "What do you do at your meetings?"
You can join one and find out for yourself?
3. "Do you guys haze really badly?"
There are laws against that actually, check it.
2. "Is it just like in the movies?"
Is ANYTHING just like how it is in Hollywood?
1. "Sororities are so basic."
Sororities actually have their origin amongst the first women to attend universities who came together for comradeship in what was at the time at man's world...but I each his own opinion I suppose?
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11 Things Summer Nannies Can Relate To
There are plenty of obstacles that come when taking care of kids, but it's a very rewarding experience.
As a college student, being a nanny over the summer is both enjoyable and challenging. Underneath the seemingly perfect trips to the pool or countless hours spent playing Monopoly are the obstacles that only nannies will understand. Trading in your valuable summer vacation in return for three months spent with a few children less than half your age may seem unappealing, but so many moments make it rewarding. For my fellow summer nannies out there, I know you can relate.
1. You get excited when the parents purchase season passes to the pool.
If the kids get a pool pass, so do you. It's not exactly a leisurely swim when you have to keep an eye on the kids, but it's a good opportunity to work on your tan and get out of the house. Plus, a day at the pool tires out the kids.
2. You've become friends with the stay-at-home moms in town.
You may just be the nanny, but that doesn't stop the other moms from wanting to include you in their gossip sessions or carpool rotations.
3. You get a chance to eat "kid foods" again.
Dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets, character mac & cheese, you name it.
4. You've traded in your cute purse for a large tote bag.
The only type of bag that can hold a plethora of snacks, sand toys, and extra clothes for the kids to change into after they swim.
5. You have at least one car seat in your backseat.
You've been given the extra booster seat for running errands with the kids during the week. Next thing you know, it's Saturday night and your friends are laughing over the crammed backseat, car seat and all.
6. Their nap time is your happy time.
If you can somehow manage to get all the kids napping at the same time, major props to you. Now you can enjoy a few hours to yourself (or maybe even take a nap of your own!).
7. Lunch time can be a disaster.
Fed Up GIFfrom Angry GIFs
When they can't agree on a meal or when you don't make it exactly like their mom does...
8. You have to play the same board games repeatedly.
"Sure, we can play Monopoly again for the hundredth time in a row," said no sane person ever.9. You catch yourself using the same lines your parents once told you.
When you ask them to clean their room and they ask "why?!" you can finally reply with "because I said so," just like your mom would say to you.
10. Your "mom-mode" kicks in at times.
Forcing the kids to wear sunscreen while they play outside is such a motherly thing to do, and you love it.
11. Your heart melts a little when they do something cute.
Touched GIFfrom Aww GIFs
And then you're reminded why you have the best summer job in the world and wouldn't trade it for anything.
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11 Struggles Of Having An “Ethnic” Name
You'll never find any souvenirs with your name on it
There are a lot of really easy, common names in the U.S. and while many of those simple names have different spellings, most of the time, pronunciation is not an issue that those people need to worry about. However, others are not as fortunate and often times give up on corrections after a while. We usually give an A+ for effort. So, as you could probably imagine, there are a few struggles with having a name that isn’t technically English. Here are just a few…
1. You know you are up next when the teacher pauses while taking attendance
Chances are you are the only one with your name in your class so you know when your name is up next when there’s a sudden pause followed by an uneasy look by the teacher or substitute.
2. When “I’m going to do my very best to make sure I know all your names” is said, it may or may be an empty promise
It may be possible for people with more common names but yours might take a bit longer and require a bit more effort.
3. “Wow! That sounds so cool! Where is your family from?”
Great… your name never fails to be a conversation starter… except it’s the same kind of conversation that ensues.
4. You dread when people ask you to repeat your name over and over because it “sounds so cool when you say it”
You’re flattered that people like your name so much but it gets a little annoying after repeatedly saying it 500 times.
5. There’s a 50/50 chance that your name will come back either correct or incorrect at Starbucks
Sometimes the baristas will ask you how to spell your name while taking your order (meaning your name will at least be spelled right), but sometimes that’s not done and your name is spelled and said completely different. Let’s just say, you have many Starbucks personas.
6. People try to find shorter, easier nicknames for you instead of calling you by your actual name
The nicknames are either actual shortened versions or just words that sound like your name (usually said in a teasing manner), you’re used to it though…
7. When someone famous or fictional character shares your name, you get so happy
Your first reaction is one of sudden happiness that your name is shared by someone whether real or fictional and you instantly connect.
8. “What’s your name?” “It’s [name]” “I’m sorry, what was it again?”
Typical situation… and most of the time, the other person asking you to repeat yourself can hear just fine so it's not that you're loud enough.
9. You’ve pretty much seen every misspelling and heard every mispronunciation of your name throughout your life
Trust us, we’ve heard it all. We’ve seen our name twisted in the most outrageous ways. We’ve given up trying to instill the correction anymore.
10. When you find another person with an “ethnic” sounding name, you both get excited
Yup GIFfrom Happy GIFs
It’s almost like an instant connection to the person especially when you both can say each other’s names correctly in one try.
11. Despite the struggles, your name is pretty unique… just like you
Like I said, you are probably the only one with your name in the group or groups that you hang out with so rock it!
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Student Life
10 Thoughts We Have While Daydreaming In Class
Can I be excused for the rest of my life?
day·dream (ˈdāˌdrēm/): a series of pleasant thoughts that distract one's attention from the present.
Daydreams, the savior of our life in class. Every type of student in the classroom does it at least once, but most cases it is an everyday event, especially in that boring class -- you know the one. But what are we thinking while we are daydreaming?
1. "Wow, this class is really boring."
Well of course it is, or you wouldn't be daydreaming.
2. "If this wasn't a General Education Requirement, I would've dropped this class already."
Everyone in this room would have dropped the class already.
3. "That kid is sleeping, I wonder if the Professor would notice if I closed my eyes..."
Maybe just for three seconds...
4. "I'm really hungry."
What they are serving in the dining hall...I hope it's mac and cheese.
5. "Can I be excused for the rest of my life?"
OK just kidding, but seriously, can I leave now?
6. "Where are we on the notes?"
Once you are lost on the notes in a lecture class, there is no turning back. Might as well go back to daydreaming about how you are a failure.
7. "Is she/he still talking about this slide?"
Yeah, it's been 10 minutes on one slide of the presentation and yeah, she/he will continue for another three.
8. "What am I going to do this weekend?"
Well I could go to that movie night on campus, or go out to dinner with friends -- anything but doing the homework for this class.
9. "Why do I even need this class?"
Many classes have me asking this question...I need about 15 minutes to really find the answer to my great question.
10. "Is anyone even paying attention?"
Everyone looks like zombies shaking their heads to look like they are listening, and I know that kid next to me is drooling so he is definitely not paying attention. There goes my chance to catching up on the notes -- back to day dreaming.
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Politics and Activism
11 Things You Should Never Say To A Puerto Rican
Don't Be That Person
20 January
Jessica Pinero
Puerto Ricans. They are very proud people and whether they were born on the island or born in the United States by Puerto Rican parent(s). It gets even better when they meet another fellow Puerto Rican or Latino in general. You’ll know quickly if they are Puerto Rican whether the flag is printed somewhere on their person or whether they tell you or whether the famous phrase “wepa!” is said.
As a Puerto Rican born in Ohio who has a very Puerto Rican family, I can tell you that there are also things that you shouldn’t say to us. Here are the most common no-no’s that have been said to Puerto Ricans.
1. “Oh, so you/your family are immigrants!”
Puerto Rico is not an independent country. It is one of a few United States territories that have their own local government but abide by U.S. law and U.S. leaders. Everyone on that island is a U.S. citizen so no, my family members are not immigrants.
2. “Is Puerto Rico near Mexico?”
Okay, Puerto Rico is a Caribbean island in, you guessed it, the Caribbean Sea along with a bunch of other islands. Each of those islands has a unique culture and history so why do you always assume all Latin nations/territories are near or associated with Mexico?
3. “Do you speak Puerto Rican?”
Even though Puerto Rico has its own slang, there is no such thing as a language called “Puerto Rican.” Puerto Ricans speak Spanish. Period.
4. “You look too light/dark to be Puerto Rican.”
This comment irritates me to no end. Puerto Ricans- and Latinos, for that matter- are extremely diverse. Our descendant range from the Spanish conquistadors to the indigenous groups who lived before colonization to the African slaves who were brought to the region. Not all of us fit the stereotypical mold of appearance.
5. “Do I need my passport to go to Puerto Rico?”
Again, Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory not a country, therefore, you don’t need a passport to go there.
6. “Geez, you are obsessed with your flag. We get it, you’re Puerto Rican.”
Since when was it a bad thing to show pride towards one’s heritage? Last time I checked, no one was making fun of patriotic folks who waves the stars and stripes of the U.S. flag.
7. “Why are you so loud?”
We are just loud people. If you don’t like it, don’t talk to us.
8. “So does your family know English?”
Puerto Ricans are taught Spanish and English. Both are the official languages. Technically, Spanish is the first language of many Puerto Ricans on the island, but they understand and speak English. In fact, there are schools on the island that teach in English.
9. “Oh my god, Puerto Ricans are so spicy.”
This is an annoying stereotype that also plagues much of the Latino community. We can be sassy, but that’s just an individual personality trait that doesn’t apply to everyone.
10. “So did you eat a lot of tacos?”
Let’s see… did I grow up eating food from Mexico? No, because my family is Puerto Rican, not Mexican. Puerto Rico has its own cuisines. I grew up eating Puerto Rican food. Stop merging cultures.
11. “Are you Mexican?”
No. Stop. Not every Latino is Mexican. Mexicans are Mexicans, Puerto Ricans are Puerto Rican, and so on. Do not be that person.
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