Donald Trump Is Now the 45th President
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Donald Trump Is Now the 45th President

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Donald Trump Is Now the 45th President

At around 3:00 a.m. on November 9, 2016, presidential candidate Donald Trump announced his acceptance of becoming the 45th president of the United States of America. With a close race against the opposing candidate, Secretary Hillary Clinton, he won with a 58 lead in electoral votes, leading him victorious. This is then followed by the Republican party not only gaining the White House after an 8-year Democratic reign, but also taking back the US Senate by a 4 electoral vote lead and the US House with a 45 electoral vote lead, allowing the entire Republican party to become victorious.

Following this news, today, President Obama has invited Trump to the White House to go over business matters concerning the transition from one administration to the next. This is then followed by Clinton giving her speech to thank all of her supporters at 10:30 a.m. ET.

With this in mind, I have notice that many Americans have suddenly developed political, history and business degrees within the span of the election. This election has been noted as one of the most stressful elections in a very long time, actually causing people to become stressed. Luckily, the weight is over and there are big hopes to come back to normal. With newly elected President Trump and future First Lady Melania Trump leading our country, there are going to be some dramatic changes.

Starting ladies first, Melania Trump has announced that she is going to combat cyber bullying as First Lady, causing many laughs due to her husband’s actions on social media. President Trump also promises to build a, hopefully metaphorical, wall between the United States and Mexico, stopping illegal immigrants from entering the country. This is being sought to encourage and force people to enter the country legally. Within the first 100 days, he has promised to appoint a “special prosecutor” to investigate Clinton for using a private email server for thousands of emails and issues regarding the Clinton Foundation. Because he has mentioned “America First,” he has caused an uncomfortable vibe to neighboring countries as he threatens to pull away from NATO if they don’t shoulder and protect more of the American coastline. Because Syria is a huge topic, many Americans and countries are worried as to how he will directly handle that situation, since that is more immediate due to the threat of ISIS. He has promised to talk about NAFTA with Mexico and Canada, and has once again threatened to leave if that conversation goes poorly (shocker). Following that, he has mentioned leaving the World Trade Organization, which has the potential to start an all-out “international trade war.” According to NBC News, he has a tendency to over-step his commitments and not follow through with them, hopefully being a sign that not all of this is true. All of the above information has been paraphrased for this article and can be found on the NBC News website regarding how Donald Trump’s presidency may turn out.

Regardless, there is no room for us to choose sides anymore. We all voted, we all decided and we are now staring that the future of America because “we the people” chose this candidate. At the beginning of every presidency, there will be those who hate the new administration. Many of those will fade away, but some will stay to stir the pot. That is just how politics works.

With the politics aside for just one moment, let’s think back as to what truly matters and to what truly makes this country so great. Although we have had our differences, our mistakes and our successes, let’s go back to the Declaration of Independence.

“We hold these truths self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred honor.”

As founding fathers, they believed that by separating from Great Britain, it would create an opportunity for an ideal country. A country where no man is looked at differently. A country where no religion is frowned upon. A country where the working man or woman is ideally creating their American dream for a better tomorrow. Regardless of who we are, what we believe in, our what we look like, we need to be proud of this. At that time, men sacrificed their name, their families and their whole-self to create the great country of America. It took hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. Within that growth, we learned that there are trials along the way and no matter how much we sacrifice to become “we the people,” we have, especially now, lost sense of who we are.

Our founding fathers are probably rolling in their graves at the way we are treating each other, tearing the country apart based on the idea that we are the accused and we are the convicted. Just because someone does not like your necklace, does not mean they do not like people of color. Just because someone does not like country music, does not mean they are calling southerners rednecks. This country has a lot to work on and to be honest, it is NOT going to easy. However, I believe in the United States of America. I believe in their dream that this country is “a country where the working man of woman is ideally creating their American Dream for a better tomorrow.” Before you move on, read that sentence one more time.

I believe in their dream that this country is “a country where the working man of woman is ideally creating their American Dream for a better tomorrow.”

Nowhere in that sentence do I see a difference between a man and a woman. I see them as being acknowledged as human beings and as one. We are all working towards the American Dream. However, we may not be able to accomplish one dream at a time. Rather, we need to come together and create the American dream for the country itself. Putting all differences aside, we are being watched by everyone else in the world. Don’t you want to live in a country where you are proud to be an American? Let’s stop disagreeing, discriminating, pointing fingers and separating ourselves. This is not the America we have grown to love for centuries.

Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States starting next year. These are the cards we have been dealt and there is nothing we can do but support the popular decision of the country, work together and know that “In God We Trust,” the country that has the intention of being the great country we know she can be. She is still great, but the times are changing. We need to learn to adapt, accept and work together. Be ready and let’s work together so that we do not tear the country apart even more.

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