Do You Know What You're Really Eating?
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Do You Know What You're Really Eating?

Do you know everything about your food?

Do You Know What You're Really Eating?

Let's say you go out to eat with your family, and you look through the restaurant's menu and you decide to order the mac 'n' cheese. Throughout this whole process do you ever stop and think where it's coming from? For example, what kind of conditions was cow under at the farm it was located at? What did the cow eat? How was it milked? Or do you ever stop to think what kind of seeds were used to grow their food or the wheat that was made into their pasta. What if I told you that most of the food you're eating is controlled by one company.

Monsanto is a company that was founded in 1901 in St. Louis, Missouri, by John Francis Queeny. Monsanto is part of a monopoly-like bloc. They're one of the just four companies in the world that control "80 percent of the U.S. corn market and 70 percent of the soybean business. They also control more than half the world's seed supply." They make GMOs (genetically modified organisms). The thing that is uncanny to me is that they have patents on all of their seeds, which impedes others from doing studies on their seeds without a huge lawsuit being shoved into their faces.

It's terrifying because all we know as consumers is that they're made to withstand bad weather conditions and yield more food, which is great that according to estimations that by 2050 our population is expected to increase to 9 billion by then. It's unfortunate for organic farmers because the amount their crops are producing will not be sufficient to feed the world. Eventually, GMOs are going to take over our grocery stores since they meet the public's demand.

Unfortunately, these GMOs are constantly sprayed with harmful pesticides to keep them strong and keep the pests away. It works until it creates pests that become immune to the pesticides and attack more harshly, resulting in stronger pesticides being used on OUR food. There's a reason as to why they're banned in Europe, after the food has encountered an abundance of chemicals, is it really food? Or just a genetically modified science experiment. We might as well be eating astronaut food.

I hope you actually wash your apples before you eat them, and have an even larger motive to do so now after reading this article.

Continuing on, Monsanto seems like they have the best intentions for our world, but, in reality, they care more about the dollar sign than the people.

For instance with the whole "Golden Rice" concept that they have genetically modified to supply more vitamin A to people living in third world countries. The only thing is that not only does the rice need an immense amount of water in order to grow, but in order to truly benefit from its nutritional value, the required intake needed to be consumed in order to receive the required amount of vitamin A needed would be 27 bowls of rice. No one would eat 27 bowls of rice, I don't think that's physically possible. It's ridiculous how they make it seem like they're doing the world a favor trying to feed and help the hungry when all they're really looking for is to take advantage of their necessity and prosper off of it.

It's an absolutely ridiculous thing to do to our population. Don't you want to help each other live long, healthy lives?

Is Monsanto really the company we want taking over our food? I mean, it's not like we have a choice, but it brings a lot of revenue to the United States so there's that. But why would we want a corrupt company in power? Who doesn't really CARE about us.

In a way, I feel like they're enslaving us, because without them who or what would able to meet our demand for food? But why does it have to be a monopoly? And why is it legal?

Luckily, living in the state of Wisconsin, having the largest quantity of organic farms in the United States, I have the opportunity to eat organic vegetables that haven't been modified and an abundance of them at that. If only more farms in other states converted to organic foods, instead of modified. Even though there may not be as much money coming through, it'd be better for the people and our environment.

Let's take care of each other and our planet. Stop destroying ourselves. We're all we have. Everything else is materialistic.

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