Do Not Hesitate To Buy The Plane Ticket
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Do Not Hesitate To Buy The Plane Ticket

Hawaii - I will forever appreciate you.

Do Not Hesitate To Buy The Plane Ticket

Growing up I remember hearing voices around me telling me to enjoy the simple things in life. To not take things for granted. To take every opportunity when it is available, to enjoy an experience as it is presented to you, and to travel every damn chance you can. So, that's exactly what I did. I had the opportunity to visit a friend, experience a different state, and travel to Hawaii. I'm sure you can put the pieces together as to where this is going...

I landed in Hawaii on a Monday afternoon and walked into the sun kissed state to witness the palm trees blowing in the wind and the endless smiles of tourists in their Hawaiian T-shirt's and flip flops. I felt butterflies in my stomach and tears in my eyes. I had dreamed of this day since my friend and I planned this spontaneous trip just a few months back. I looked around and felt peace. I was at peace with the fact that a new adventure awaited me. We had plans and an itinerary made for our week... but somewhere in my heart I knew we weren't going to follow it the way we planned. And that was fine. Because that is a part of this crazy life we live... sometimes we have a vision but God has something different planned for us. Sometimes you just have to let it happen... and trust that he will guide you in the right direction. You have to put faith in the unknown and run with it. Because that is what life is all about. The unknown - and hoping it is just as glorious as you envisioned.

Over the week we visited numerous beaches, that included Makapu, Waikiki, Lanikai, Ala Moana, Bellows Field, and Northshore. Although every beach contained the same concept, which included lot of white sand and even more blue water, none of them were exactly the same. They each were located in different places, they all had a different story, and they all provided me with an entirely different experience than the one before. They all contained something special that made them so unique. Just like us as individuals. We all come from somewhere different, we all have a different story, and we all have so many diverse experiences that make us who we are. But there is something we all have in common : humanity. We are all humans who contain endless beauty on the inside and out if you allow it to bloom. We don't have to be the same to be beautiful...

Other than traveling to beaches, we explored the culture and land of Hawaii through hiking Makapu, Lanikai, and Diamond head. Each hike with a different difficulty level; but, none that were completed with ease. The hikes included steep uphill climbing, the stress of missing a step, the anxiety of making it to the top, the loss of breath from exhaustion, and so much excitement. With each step we took we were one step closer to the top - no matter how difficult it was to keep forging forward. I remember thinking to myself, "I just want to be at the top" until I realized that's just not how life works. Everything we do, whether it is an obstacle or an accomplishment, helps to bring you to the next step. You'll never get to the top if you don't take the next step. Whether it be pursuing your degree, getting a promotion at work, building a relationship with someone, or simply being selfish and taking care of yourself. You cannot jump to the top without taking all of the stairs. Once we reached the top I realized how worth it every step was. Because life is certainly a climb, but the view is damn great.

With day excursions there came nightly activities. If I told you we sat in our rooms at night and went to bed at 10pm I would be lying. But if I told you the stories I have or the experiences we shared together you probably wouldn't believe me. There were many nights we contemplated staying in... in wary that we would ruin the next day of exploring by oversleeping due to one too many drinks and a gnarly headache. However, we never missed a beat. From 4am Uber rides home, to partying on a yacht, to eating endless snacks with the girls when we arrived home way past the bar closed, there was never a dull moment. You're probably thinking, okay Kate what is the life lesson you're trying to incorporate here. The message is to live in the moment. Maybe this doesn't always include going to the bar before a responsibility in the morning, but it does mean taking the chance to enjoy yourself with the people you care about most. This life we live isn't so straight forward. There are times we want to crash and burn. There are times we simply need a break. Allow yourself to take a break and step back from the stress. Make new memories. Indulge with good company. Stay out until the sun comes up. Dance with your friends like nobody is watching. These are the moments you will never forget... these are the moments you will yearn to get back once they have passed. That's how you know you are living.

Many evenings I would stand on my friends balcony overlooking the city of Waikiki, Hawaii in awe of the view I was blessed to be witnessing. It was like the city was so close to my reach, but yet a little further away than it seemed. Almost like my dreams and life aspirations... I feel so close to them after graduating college just one short month ago and beginning graduate school next month. But, I know they are realistically a ways away as my journey is simply just beginning. However, after looking at the beauty of Waikiki from the balcony, and not being close enough to grasp it, I suddenly realized that I was okay with that. I was blessed with an opportunity to pursue my dreams, and just because they aren't in my possession yet, doesn't mean the journey to them is not going to be a beautiful one. They say some of the best days of our lives haven't even happened yet..

I spent 9 days in Hawaii and it was hands down the most breathtaking place I have ever explored. I saw an opportunity, I yearned for the experience, and I jumped at the chance to travel. There are not enough words in the English dictionary to explain the lessons I have learned, not only about the world I live in or the people I am surrounded by, but also myself. I have pinpointed my strengths and located my weaknesses... both which I am forever thankful for. I have endured the chance to learn about another culture - a beautiful one at that. I have lived in pure peaceful bliss and that is something I am eternally grateful for.

Unfortunately, as we all know, all good things must come to an end. So Mahalo (thank you) Hawaii - for a riveting experience, pictures that don't do the views justice, laughs that made my belly ache, joy that brought tears to my eyes, friendships I will never forget, family that I have now created, nights we will forever replay, and for the opportunity of a lifetime. You have taught me more about myself than I can ever thank you for.

If you take anything from this it is to not hold yourself back from enjoying the amazing world in front of us. Buy the damn plane ticket. Explore a new city. Visit a friend. Stay out late. Go on that hike. Purchase that watch you've always wanted. Spend time with your family. Whatever makes your heart feel full and your soul feel radiant - just do it. Life is simply too damn short for anything less.

As I walked through the airport and to the gate to begin my journey home, I felt like I was in the closing scene of a movie. The movie was ending... but I was simply just beginning...

Goodbye for now, but not forever Hawaii..

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